Activated Collectibles

A Pony2 rooms
Anarchist Cookbook3 rooms
Best Friend3 rooms
Blank CardVariable
Blood RightsUnlimited
Bob's Rotten Head2 rooms
Book of Revelations6 rooms
Book of Secrets6 rooms
Book of Shadows3 rooms
Box of Spiders2 rooms
Breath of Life6 seconds
Butter Bean3 seconds
Crack the Sky4 rooms
Crystal Ball6 rooms
D101 rooms
D1006 rooms
D206 rooms
D46 rooms
Dad's Key2 rooms
Dead Sea Scrolls2 rooms
Deck of Cards6 rooms
Doctor's Remote2 rooms
Flush!4 rooms
Forget Me NowOne time use
Guppy's Head1 rooms
Guppy's PawUnlimited
Head of Krampus3 rooms
How to JumpUnlimited
Isaac's Tears6 rooms
IV BagUnlimited
Lemon Mishap2 rooms
Magic FingersUnlimited
Mom's Bottle of Pills6 rooms
Mom's Bra3 rooms
Mom's Pad3 rooms
Monster Manual6 rooms
Monstro's Tooth3 rooms
Mr. Boom2 rooms
My Little Unicorn4 rooms
Notched AxeUnlimited
Pandora's BoxOne time use
Portable SlotUnlimited
Prayer Card6 rooms
Razor BladeUnlimited
Red Candle4 seconds
Remote DetonatorUnlimited
Satanic Bible6 rooms
Scissors4 rooms
Shoop Da Whoop!2 rooms
Spider Butt2 rooms
Tammy's Head1 rooms
Telepathy for Dummies2 rooms
Teleport2 rooms
The Bean1 rooms
The Bible4 rooms
The Book of Belial3 rooms
The Book of Sin4 rooms
The Boomerang4 seconds
The Candle4 seconds
The D66 rooms
The Gamekid4 rooms
The Hourglass2 rooms
The JarUnlimited
The Nail6 rooms
The Necronomicon4 rooms
The Pinking Shears4 rooms
The Poop1 rooms
Undefined6 rooms
Unicorn Stump1 rooms
We Need to Go Deeper!6 rooms
White Pony2 rooms
Yum Heart4 rooms
Box of Friends3 rooms
D123 rooms
D73 rooms
D84 rooms
DiplopiaOne time use
Friendly Ball2 rooms
Glass Cannon4 seconds
Glowing Hour Glass3 rooms
Jar of FliesUnlimited
Kidney Bean1 rooms
Mega Bean3 rooms
Mega Blast12 rooms
Mine Crafter1 rooms
Mom's Box4 rooms
Tear Detonator1 rooms
Teleport 2.04 rooms
Ventricle RazorUnlimited
Wooden Nickel1 rooms
Black Hole4 rooms
Book of the Dead6 rooms
Broken Shovel4 rooms
Brown Nugget7 seconds
Clicker6 rooms
Compost2 rooms
Coupon6 rooms
Crooked Penny4 rooms
D InfinityVariable
D14 rooms
Dataminer4 rooms
Delirious12 rooms
Dull Razor2 rooms
Eden's Soul12 rooms
Mama Mega!One time use
Metronome2 rooms
Mom's Shovel4 rooms
Moving Box4 rooms
Mr. ME!4 rooms
Mystery GiftOne time use
Pause2 rooms
Plan COne time use
Potato PeelerUnlimited
Sacrificial AltarOne time use
Sharp Straw8 seconds
Smelter6 rooms
Sprinkler4 rooms
Telekinesis3 seconds
Void6 rooms
Wait What?10 seconds
Abyss4 rooms
Alabaster Box12 rooms
Anima Sola30 seconds
Bag of CraftingUnlimited
Berserk!With damage dealt
Book of Virtues4 rooms
Broken Glass Cannon4 rooms
Clear RuneVariable
DamoclesOne time use
Dark Arts6 seconds
Death CertificateOne time use
Decap Attack4 seconds
Eraser1 rooms
Esau Jr.1 rooms
Eternal D62 rooms
Everything Jar12 rooms
Flip6 rooms
Fortune Cookie2 rooms
Free Lemonade4 rooms
Friend Finder4 rooms
Gello2 rooms
GenesisOne time use
Golden RazorUnlimited
Jar of Wisps12 rooms
Keeper's Box4 rooms
Larynx12 rooms
Lemegeton6 rooms
Magic Skin6 rooms
Meat Cleaver2 rooms
Mega Mush12 rooms
Mom's BraceletUnlimited
Plum Flute4 rooms
R KeyOne time use
Recall5 seconds
Red Key4 rooms
Sharp KeyUnlimited
Spin to Win3 seconds
Spindown Dice6 rooms
Stitches5 seconds
Sulfur3 rooms
Sumptorium1 seconds
Suplex!6 seconds
The Scooper3 rooms
Urn of SoulsUnlimited
Vade RetroUnlimited
Wavy Cap0.5 seconds
Yuck Heart6 rooms
Passively gives flight and increases speed to 1.5. Upon use, Isaac charges in the direction the pony is facing, giving invincibility during the charge and dealing 40 damage.
Spawns six Troll Bombs around the room.
Spawns a decoy Isaac that eventually explodes with an increased blast radius.
Removed in Repentance Has the same effect as the card or rune currently held by Isaac.
Added in Repentance Has the same effect as the card currently held by Isaac.
Upon use, takes a full heart of health and deals 40 damage to all enemies in the room.
Upon use, Isaac holds a poison bomb which can be thrown in the cardinal directions and explodes on impact.
Gives one Soul Heart, increases the chance for a Devil or Angel Room, and changes the boss of the current floor to a Harbinger if possible.
Gives the effect of 15►Treasure Map Treasure Map, 15►The Compass The Compass, or 15►Blue Map Blue Map for the duration of the current floor.
Creates a protective shield, nullifying all types of damage for 10 seconds.
Removed in Repentance Spawns 1-4 Blue Spiders that deal 2.5x damage to enemies.

Added in Repentance Spawns 4-8 Blue Spiders that deal 2x damage to enemies.

Grants a brief moment of invincibility when the charge bar hits zero. If the spacebar is held for an additional second after hitting zero, Isaac will take damage.
Removed in Afterbirth Upon use, Isaac farts and knocks back nearby enemies.

Added in Afterbirth / Removed in Repentance Upon use, Isaac farts and knocks back nearby enemies and projectiles.

Added in Repentance Upon use, Isaac farts and knocks back nearby enemies and projectiles. Enemies pushed into walls or obstacles take 12 damage.

Removed in Repentance Upon use, Converts two Soul Hearts into one full Heart Container.

Added in Repentance Upon use, converts one Soul or Black Heart into one full Heart Container.

Summons 5 beams of light in random locations on the ground, dealing large amounts of damage to any enemies that touch them.
Upon use, reveals the map (except the Super Secret Room) and drops a Soul Heart or random card/rune.
Rerolls the monsters in the room. Only rerolls monsters that are still alive (does not spawn new enemies).
Removed in Repentance Combines the effects of 15►D4 D4, 15►The D6 The D6, and 15►D20 D20.
Added in Repentance Combines the effects of Added in Afterbirth †15►D1 D1, 15►D4 D4, 15►The D6 The D6, Added in Afterbirth15►D7 D7, Added in Afterbirth15►D8 D8, 15►D10 D10, Added in Afterbirth15►D12 D12, and 15►D20 D20.
Rerolls all pickups in the current room.
Rerolls all of Isaac's passive items.
Opens all doors in the current room when activated, including doors which require a key to open and entrances to Secret Rooms. Opens the big doors in the first room of both The Chest The Chest and the Dark Room Dark Room.
Triggers the effect of a random activated item from a list of possible options (not every activated item is included).
Gives Isaac a random card.
Creates a crosshair on the ground that can be aimed with tear controls. A missile strikes the spot after 2 seconds, creating a heavy damage explosion.
Turns all non-boss monsters in the room into poop. Instantly kills poop-themed bosses.
On use, re-generates the current floor with a new layout. Isaac loses Forget Me Now, but keeps other items and consumables picked up on the original floor.
Spawns 2-4 friendly Blue Flies that damage enemies.
Upon use, converts one Heart Container into three Soul Hearts.
Fires a powerful 15►Brimstone Brimstone beam in four cardinal directions, much like Krampus shoots.

Added in Afterbirth / Removed in Afterbirth † Fires a powerful 15►Brimstone Brimstone beam in four cardinal directions, much like Krampus shoots with a 50% chance to rotate all beams around Isaac 90 degrees.

Upon use, Isaac jumps in the direction he is currently moving, allowing travel over obstacles and enemies.
Fires 8 tears around Isaac, which retain the damage, range, shot speed, and special tear effects. Each tear shot by Isaac increases item charge by one.
Upon use, Isaac loses half a heart of health (one in The Womb The Womb onward) for a random amount of coins, similar to a Blood Donation Machine.
Upon use, creates an explosion in the same place as Isaac, damaging him for half a heart and dealing 40 damage to all enemies caught in the blast.
Creates a tiny pool of yellow creep, damaging enemies that cross it.
Uses 1 coin to deal twice Isaac's damage to all enemies in the room.
Gives Isaac a random pill.
Petrifies all enemies in the current room for around 4 seconds.
Inflicts fear to all enemies in the room for 5 seconds.
Removed in Repentance Spawns a familiar from a list of of familiars for the current room.

Added in Repentance Spawns a familiar from a list of of familiars for the current floor.

A friendly Monstro jumps on a random enemy, dealing 120 area damage. Lands on Isaac if used in a room without enemies.
Places a Mr. Mega bomb that deals 110 damage.
Gives invulnerability and +0.28 speed for six seconds, removing the ability to shoot tears and replacing it with the ability to deal 40 contact damage to enemies.
Removed in Repentance Isaac destroys obstacles and opens Secret Rooms by walking into them, but cannot shoot or pick up items until it's cancelled

Added in RepentanceToggles between tears and the pickaxe, which can be swung to attack and break obstacles. Using it depletes the charge, and it can't be used until next floor once the charge runs out.

Upon use, spawns specific pickups or items depending on the floor it is used on. Disappears after use.
Upon use, consumes 1 coin and has a chance to drop a random pickup, like a slot machine.
Gives an Eternal Heart per use.
On use, takes one heart of health and grants +1.2 damage for the current room.
Throws a flame that that can pass over gaps (but not through obstacles). The flame damages everything in its path, diminishing in size as it hits enemies or blocks shots.
Bombs placed by Isaac only explode when Remote Detonator is used. Gives 5 bombs.
Gives one Black Heart. Added in Repentance Replaces the boss room item on the current floor with a Devil deal.
Removed in Repentance Turns Isaac's head into a stationary familiar for the current room which fires tears automatically.

Added in Repentance Turns Isaac's head into a stationary familiar for the current room which fires tears automatically, while causing Isaac to shoot a controllable fountain of blood shots.

Fires a laser from Isaac's mouth.
Deals 10 damage to all enemies in the room and slows them for 4 seconds.
Shoots 10 tears in a circle around Isaac, which retain the damage, shot speed, and special effects (such as poison) of Isaac's tears.
Gives homing tears for the current room.
Teleports Isaac to a random room on the current floor.
Isaac farts, poisoning any enemy in close range.
On use, Isaac gains flight for the current room. Instantly kills Mom, Mom's Heart, and It Lives when activated, but kills Isaac when used on Satan.
+2 damage for the current room.
Removed in Afterbirth Guarantees a Devil Room or Angel Room will be open after beating a boss while holding it. Added in Afterbirth Increases the chance by 12.5%.
Spawns a random pickup, pill, card, or trinket.
Throws a boomerang which retrieves pickups, as well as damages and petrifies enemies hit for 2 seconds.
Throws out a temporary flame that can pass over gaps (but not through rocks). The flame damages anything in its path.
Re-rolls all items in the current room into other items, depending on the current room's Item Pool.
Turns Isaac into a into a Pac-Man-like creature for 6 seconds, granting invulnerability, inflicting fear on all enemies, and replenishing a Half Red Heart for every two enemies killed.
All enemies in the room are slowed for 8 seconds.
When at full health, up to 4 extra Red Hearts can be stored in The Jar.
Gives Removed in Repentance one Soul Heart Added in Repentance half a Black Heart. For the current room; +0.7 damage, -0.18 speed, allows Isaac to break rocks and damage enemies by walking over them.
Deals 40 damage to every enemy in the room.
Gives flight for the current room, while turning Isaac's body into a fast, high damage familiar.
Spawns a pile of poop where the Isaac is standing and knocks back nearby enemies. May yield pickups like regular poop.
Teleports Isaac to the Secret Room, Super Secret Room, Treasure Room, or I AM ERROR.
Gives invulnerability and increased speed for five seconds, but removes the ability to shoot tears.
Creates a trapdoor to go to the next floor. If used in The Womb The Womb, it will create a trapdoor to Sheol Sheol, even if the player hasn't unlocked it.
Passively gives flight and increases speed to 1.5. Upon use, Isaac charges in the direction the pony is facing, giving invulnerability during the charge and dealing 40 damage while also casting the effect of Crack the Sky.
Restores one Red Heart of Isaac's health.
Duplicates all of Isaac's familiars for the current room. If Isaac has no familiars, spawns a 15►Demon Baby Demon Baby for the room instead.
Re-rolls all rocks in the current room into other random objects, such as bomb rocks, metal blocks, TNT, or poops.
Restarts the current room and brings back all enemies, allowing more rewards to be acquired by completing the room.
Re-rolls Isaac's damage, tears, range, and speed.
Duplicates all pickups and item pedestals in the room.
Throwing the ball at a monster instantly kills and captures it. The captured enemy can later be released and will be friendly, fighting for Isaac and persisting between rooms.
Removed in Repentance Fires a high-damage piercing spectral tear, but lowers Isaac's health to half a heart.
Added in Repentance Fires a high-damage piercing spectral tear. If Isaac takes damage while holding Glass Cannon, it becomes Added in Repentance15►Broken Glass Cannon Broken Glass Cannon and he is reduced to half a heart.
When used, this item will rewind time, put Isaac back in the previous room, and undo anything that happened in the current room. Any health, pickups, or items gained or lost will be reset back to the previous state.
Killing an enemy adds a fly to the jar, up to a maximum of 20. On use, releases Blue Flies equal to the number of flies in the jar.
Isaac farts, charming all nearby enemies.
Petrifies all enemies in the current room for a couple of seconds, poisons any enemies near Isaac, and sends a rock wave across the room in the direction Isaac is facing.
Upon use, Isaac fires a laser similar to the one used by Mega Satan. This laser deals massive damage, lasts for approximately 15 seconds, and persists between rooms. Isaac is pushed backwards by the force of the laser while it is active.
Places an explosive TNT barrel that can be pushed and used to destroy rocks or damage enemies when used. If used a second time in the same room while the previous TNT barrel is still intact, it will remotely explode the TNT.
When used, Mom's Box will drop a random trinket on the ground. While held, increases luck by 1 and doubles the effects of trinkets.
When used, copies the effect of the pill Isaac is currently holding without consuming it. Does not copy the effects of cards or runes.
When used, will detonate any tears currently on the screen and cause each one to split into 6 more tears which will fire in a circle, similar to Tammy's Head.
Teleports Isaac to a random room that has not been explored yet when used. If all rooms are explored, including secret rooms, it will teleport Isaac to the Devil or Angel room. If all rooms are explored, including the Devil or Angel room, it will teleport Isaac to the I AM ERROR room. If used in a room with enemies, it will teleport Isaac out and back into the same room.
Can be used to place an orange portal and a blue portal. Upon entering a portal, Isaac is teleported to the other portal.
When used, has a 50% chance to drop one random type of coin (Penny, Nickel, or Dime).
Throws a black hole on the ground which sucks in and damages enemies.
Upon use, spawns a friendly Bony or an orbital bone for each enemy killed in the current room.
While held, causes multiple Mom's Foots to come down and stomp on Isaac. One of two parts necessary to create Mom's Shovel.
Spawns a stationary fly turret that fires tears at nearby enemies.
Transforms Isaac into a random character and removes the last item collected.
Doubles Isaac's Blue Flies and Blue Spiders, or spawns one if Isaac has none. Converts pickups in the current room into Blue Flies or Blue Spiders.
Upon use, makes a random item from a Shop, Devil deal, or Black Market free.
Spawns a penny and has a 50% chance to double all items and pickups in the room. If the effect fails, the items and pickups disappear.
Removed in Repentance Grants a random dice item that changes each use.
Added in Repentance Acts as any dice item, and can by cycled by pressing the drop key.
Duplicates a random pickup in the room.
Displaces enemy sprites for the current room, randomly increases one stat and decreases another.
Spawns Delirium as a random friendly boss that fights for Isaac.
Hurts Isaac without depleting health, activating any items that trigger upon taking damage.
Spawns two item pedestals then is consumed. Begins with no charges.
Damages all enemies and destroys all obstacles. The effect occurs every time a new room is entered for the rest of the floor. Opens doors to the floor's Secret and Super Secret Rooms.
Grants a random item effect for the current room.
Spawns a trapdoor that leads to the next floor upon activation. Unlocks The Forgotten when used on a mound of dirt that appears in Dark Room Dark Room.
If the box is empty, picks up all items and pickups in a room and stores them. If the box is not empty, places all stored items and pickups in the current room.
Summons a controllable ghost that can perform various tasks depending on what it targets.
Upon use, spawns a random item from the current room's item pool, with a chance to spawn A Lump of Coal or The Poop instead.
Freezes all enemies until a fire button is pressed.
Kills all enemies in the room, then kills Isaac three seconds later.
Removes a heart container, increases damage and range, and grants a Cube of Meat.
Sacrifices up to 2 familiars and spawns an item from the Devil Room pool for each familiar sacrificed. Converts all friendly spiders and flies into coins.
Damages all enemies in the room. Has a chance to drop a half red heart or half soul heart if an enemy is hit.
Consumes Isaac's currently held trinket and applies its effect permanently.
Upon use, spawns a sprinkler that rotates and fires tears.
Upon use, for the next two seconds, any enemy shots that come near Isaac are held in place. After the charge is depleted, they are fired back as tears.
Consumes all pedestal items in the room. Active items will have their effects added to Void, and passive items will grant stat upgrades.
Isaac farts, sending out rock waves.
Destroys all items in the room and gives Isaac a unique attack fly familiar for each item destroyed.
Spawns three soul hearts and two angel room items. Must be charged by picking up 6 soul hearts.
Chains down the nearest enemy for 5 seconds, preventing them from acting.
Collects and holds up to 8 pickups. Holding the activate button crafts them into a passive item, with the power level based on the quality of pickups used.
Causes Isaac to go berserk for 5 seconds, greatly increasing his speed, tears, and damage, but restricting him to using a melee weapon instead of his tears. This item charges by dealing damage to enemies instead of clearing rooms.
On use, spawns an orbital Wisp familiar that fires spectral tears but can be destroyed. Also becomes a passive item that causes other active items to spawn themed Wisps.
Begins with no charges and turns into Added in Afterbirth15►Glass Cannon Glass Cannon when used. Only acquired by taking damage while holding Glass Cannon.
Has the same effect as the rune or soul stone currently held by Isaac.
Spawns a sword above Isaac's head, which doubles all item pedestals. After Isaac takes damage, the sword can randomly fall at any point, instantly killing him.
Makes Isaac invulnerable and intangible for one second. When the effect ends, all enemies Isaac ran through take damage and Isaac temporarily gains +1 damage for each one.
Takes Isaac to an abandoned and expanded version of Home, which has one copy of every item in the game. After taking an item, Isaac returns to the room he used Death Certificate in.
Throws Isaac's head, which is still able to fire tears at the spot it lands. Reactivating the item or stepping on the head reattaches it.
Throws an eraser that instantly kills the first monster it hits, and prevents that monster from spawning for the rest of the run. Can only be used once per floor.
Swaps between the current character and Esau Jr., who has +2 damage and flight. Characters have independent items and health. Dying as either character ends the run.
Rerolls all items in the room. Each item has a chance to disappear instead.
Spawns certain pickups based on how many charges it has. If fully charged, instead has one of many unique effects.
Switch characters between Tainted Lazarus and Dead Tainted Lazarus.
Gives Isaac a fortune, soul heart, tarot card, or trinket.
Creates a large pool of yellow creep beneath Isaac.
Spawns a random friendly monster that mimics Isaac's movements and attacks.
Spawns a demon familiar that's attached to Isaac and moves and fires in the direction Isaac shoots, using Isaac's damage, tears, range, shotspeed, and special tear effects.
Removes all of Isaac's items and pickups and takes him to a unique bedroom with some pickups and chests and a trapdoor to the next floor. For every item Isaac lost, he gets to take an item from a set of three.
Spends five coins to increase Isaac's damage by 1.2 for the current room.
Spawns random wisps that shoot various tears, block shots, and deal contact damage. The number of wisps spawned increases every time the jar is used.
Spawns a random shop item/pickup.
Makes Isaac shout, damaging and pushing nearby enemies. The shout gets stronger the more charges the item has.
Spawns the ghost of a random passive item, which orbits Isaac but can be destroyed. While the ghost is alive, Isaac gains that item's effects.
Consumes one heart container or two soul hearts to spawn an item and give Isaac a broken heart container that can never be filled. If Magic Skin isn't being held after being used, it is very likely to replace any future items.
Splits all enemies in the room into two smaller versions of themselves with much less health.
Gigantifies Isaac for 30 seconds, increasing damage and range while lowering tears, granting invulnerability, and allowing Isaac to crush enemies and obstacles he walks on. The effect persists between rooms.
Lets Isaac pick up and throw rocks, TNT, poops, and other obstacles.
Summons the boss Baby Plum to fight for Isaac in the current room.
Brings Isaac back to the first floor of a new run, retaining all of his items.
Retrieves the Forgotten's body from any distance. Only available as the Added in Repentance15►Birthright Birthright effect for Tainted Forgotten.
Creates a new room adjacent to a viable wall, indicated by the outline of a door. These rooms have a chance to be various special rooms.
Adds 5 keys on pickup. Allows Isaac to throw his keys to deal damage to enemies, destroy obstacles, and open doors.
When used, gives Isaac +0.5 speed and greatly increases the rotation speed of Isaac's orbitals for 3 seconds. Gives Isaac a spinning top orbital that blocks enemy shots and deals contact damage to enemies while held.
Transforms all items in the room by decreasing their internal ID number.
Passively spawns a familiar that moves in the direction Isaac shoots. On use, Isaac swaps places with the familiar.
Grants 15►Brimstone Brimstone for the current room.
Holding down the fire button converts hearts into familiars that fire tears but can be destroyed. Activating converts the familiars back into hearts.
Allows Isaac to dash into and pick up enemies, then slam them into the ground to deal damage and create rock waves that damage nearby enemies and destroy obstacles.
Summons a Peeper familiar for the current room, which leaves a trail of red creep.
Spews a stream of damaging flame. Gains Soul Charges each time an enemy dies, which are used to fuel the urn.
While held, non-ghost enemies leave behind small, red ghosts on death; using the item causes the ghosts to explode, dealing damage to nearby enemies. Stronger enemies leave behind stronger ghosts that create more powerful explosions.
Increases fire rate, decreases speed, and distorts the screen. All effects before more pronounced with repeated use, and wear off by clearing rooms.
Gives Isaac a Rotten Heart.

Passive Collectibles

???'s Only Friend
3 Dollar Bill
9 Volt
A Dollar
A Lump of Coal
A Quarter
A Snack
Ball of Bandages
Ball of Tar
Best Bud
Big Fan
Black Candle
Black Lotus
Blood Bag
Blood Clot
Blood of the Martyr
Bloody Lust
Blue Cap
Blue Map
Bob's Brain
Bob's Curse
Bogo Bombs
Bomb Bag
Broken Watch
Brother Bobby
Bucket of Lard
Bum Friend
Butt Bombs
Caffeine Pill
Cain's Other Eye
Celtic Cross
Ceremonial Robes
Champion Belt
Charm of the Vampire
Chemical Peel
Chocolate Milk
Contract From Below
Cricket's Body
Cricket's Head
Cube of Meat
Cupid's Arrow
Cursed Eye
Daddy Longlegs
Dark Bum
Dark Matter
Dead Bird
Dead Cat
Dead Dove
Dead Onion
Death's Touch
Demon Baby
Distant Admiration
Dr. Fetus
Dry Baby
E Coli
Epic Fetus
Eve's Mascara
Experimental Treatment
Fanny Pack
Fire Mind
Forever Alone
Ghost Baby
Gnawed Leaf
Goat Head
Growth Hormones
Guardian Angel
Guppy's Collar
Guppy's Hair Ball
Guppy's Tail
Halo of Flies
Harlequin Baby
Headless Baby
Hive Mind
Holy Grail
Holy Mantle
Holy Water
Hot Bombs
Humbling Bundle
Infestation 2
Iron Bar
Isaac's Heart
Jesus Juice
Judas' Shadow
Juicy Sack
Key Piece 1
Key Piece 2
Latch Key
Lazarus' Rags
Lil Brimstone
Lil Haunt
Little Baggy
Little C.H.A.D.
Little Chubby
Little Gish
Little Steven
Loki's Horns
Lord of the Pit
Lost Contact
Lucky Foot
Maggy's Bow
Magic 8 Ball
Magic Mushroom
Magic Scab
Match Book
Midas' Touch
Mini Mush
Missing No.
Missing Page 2
Mom's Coin Purse
Mom's Contacts
Mom's Eye
Mom's Eyeshadow
Mom's Heels
Mom's Key
Mom's Knife
Mom's Lipstick
Mom's Perfume
Mom's Purse
Mom's Underwear
Mom's Wig
Money = Power
Mongo Baby
Monstro's Lung
Mr. Mega
Mutant Spider
My Reflection
Mysterious Liquid
Mystery Sack
Number One
Odd Mushroom
Odd Mushroom
Old Bandage
Ouija Board
Pageant Boy
Piggy Bank
Punching Bag
Rainbow Baby
Raw Liver
Robo-Baby 2.0
Roid Rage
Rotten Baby
Rotten Meat
Rubber Cement
Sack of Pennies
Sacred Heart
Sacrificial Dagger
Sad Bombs
Safety Pin
Samson's Chains
Sharp Plug
Sissy Longlegs
Sister Maggy
Skeleton Key
Smart Fly
SMB Super Fan
Soy Milk
Speed Ball
Spelunker Hat
Spider Bite
Spirit of the Night
Spoon Bender
Starter Deck
Steam Sale
Stem Cells
Stop Watch
Strange Attractor
Super Bandage
Technology 2
The Battery
The Belt
The Black Bean
The Body
The Common Cold
The Compass
The Halo
The Inner Eye
The Ladder
The Ludovico Technique
The Mark
The Mind
The Mulligan
The Negative
The Pact
The Parasite
The Peeper
The Polaroid
The Relic
The Sad Onion
The Small Rock
The Soul
The Virus
The Wafer
There's Options
Thunder Thighs
Tiny Planet
Torn Photo
Tough Love
Treasure Map
Trinity Shield
Whore of Babylon
Wire Coat Hanger
Wooden Spoon
X-Ray Vision
8 Inch Nails
Black Powder
Bomber Boy
Bursting Sack
Cambion Conception
Car Battery
Charged Baby
Circle of Protection
Crack Jacks
Crown of Light
Curse of the Tower
Dead Eye
Deep Pockets
Eden's Blessing
Empty Vessel
Evil Eye
Farting Baby
Fate's Reward
Friend Zone
Fruit Cake
GB Bug
Glitter Bombs
God's Flesh
Head of the Keeper
Holy Light
Host Hat
Immaculate Conception
Key Bum
Kidney Stone
Lil Chest
Lil Gurdy
Lil' Loki
Lost Fly
Lusty Blood
Maw of the Void
Mom's Pearls
More Options
Mr. Dolly
Multidimensional Baby
My Shadow
Night Light
No. 2
Obsessed Fan
Papa Fly
Pay to Play
Pupula Duplex
Rune Bag
Sack Head
Scatter Bombs
Serpent's Kiss
Spear of Destiny
Spider Mod
Sticky Bombs
Sworn Protector
Tech X
The Wiz
Toxic Shock
Tractor Beam
7 Seals
Acid Baby
Analog Stick
Angelic Prism
Angry Fly
Belly Button
Big Chubby
Bloodshot Eye
Brittle Bones
Broken Modem
Broken Shovel
Buddy in a Box
Camo Undies
Compound Fracture
Cone Head
Dad's Lost Coin
Dad's Ring
Dark Prince's Crown
Dead Tooth
Death's List
Divorce Papers
Dog Tooth
Eye of Belial
Eye of Greed
Fast Bombs
Flat Stone
Ghost Pepper
Glyph of Balance
Greed's Gullet
Hallowed Ground
Jacob's Ladder
Jaw Bone
Jumper Cables
King Baby
Large Zit
Lead Pencil
Lil Delirium
Lil Monstro
Lil Spewer
Linger Bean
Little Horn
Metal Plate
Midnight Snack
Mom's Razor
Mystery Egg
Pointy Rib
Poke Go
Sack of Sacks
Shard of Glass
Sinus Infection
Slipped Rib
Sulfuric Acid
Tarot Cloth
Technology Zero
Varicose Veins
120 Volt
4.5 Volt
A Bar of Soap
A Pound of Flesh
Act of Contrition
Almond Milk
Astral Projection
Azazel's Rage
Battery Pack
Belly Jelly
Binge Eater
Bird Cage
Bird's Eye
Blood Bombs
Blood Oath
Blood Puppy
Bloody Gust
Boiled Baby
Bone Spurs
Booster Pack
Bot Fly
Brimstone Bombs
C Section
Candy Heart
Card Reading
Consolation Prize
Cracked Orb
Cube Baby
Dad's Note
Dirty Mind
Divine Intervention
Dream Catcher
Echo Chamber
Empty Heart
Evil Charm
Eye Drops
Eye of the Occult
Eye Sore
False PHD
Freezer Baby
Fruity Plum
Ghost Bombs
Giant Cell
Glitched Crown
Guppy's Eye
Hungry Soul
Immaculate Heart
Inner Child
Isaac's Tomb
It Hurts
Keeper's Kin
Keeper's Sack
Knife Piece 1
Knife Piece 2
Knockout Drops
Lil Abaddon
Lil Dumpy
Lil Portal
Lost Soul
Member Card
Montezuma's Revenge
Nancy Bombs
Ocular Rift
Orphan Socks
Paschal Candle
Playdough Cookie
Psy Fly
Red Stew
Rock Bottom
Rocket in a Jar
Rotten Tomato
Sacred Orb
Sanguine Bond
Soul Locket
Spirit Shackles
Spirit Sword
Star of Bethlehem
The Intruder
The Stairway
The Swarm
Tooth and Nail
Twisted Pair
Vanishing Twin
Vengeful Spirit
Voodoo Head
Worm Friend
Spawns a controllable familiar that deals 37.5 damage per second on touch. It can be moved using the shooting directional keys
Grants Isaac one Red Heart container and fully restores Isaac's health.
Gives Isaac an extra life. Upon death, he will respawn in the previous room with full health and lose the 1up!.
Isaac fires two tears at once, one from each eye.
Removed in Afterbirth Gives Isaac a random tear effect every room.
Added in Afterbirth Gives Isaac a random tear effect every few seconds.
Reduces the charge of any activated item by 1. Any 1 charge items instead have timed recharges.
Gives Isaac 99 coins.
The more distance tears travel, the more damage they will do.
Adds 25 to Isaac's coin count, capping at 99.
Removed in Repentance Gives one full Red Heart container.

Added in Repentance Gives one Heart container and heals 2 hearts of health.

Grants +1.5 damage, +0.2 speed. Removes all Red Heart containers, grants six Black Hearts, and adds a chance to shoot fear tears.
Spawns a familiar that mirrors Isaac's movements and shoots in the opposite direction.
+5 range. After Isaac is damaged, a trail of red creep will be left behind Isaac until he leaves the current room.
Upon death, the player will respawn as ??? with 3 Soul Hearts.
-2 Tear Delay. Tears float in position until firing ceases, after which they will fly off in the direction they were shot in.
A trail of blue creep is left behind Isaac, which damages enemies.
+0.25 Speed. Running into enemies while at a high speed will deal 18 points of damage. Does not prevent contact damage.
Spawns an orbital familiar that blocks enemy shots, dealing 105 damage per second. Collecting additional copies gives it the ability to shoot charm tears, then chase enemies, then increases the damage.
Adds a chance to shoot slowing tears. Isaac leaves a trail of slowing creep behind as he moves, impeding enemies' speed.
Spawns a familiar that flies around the room in a zig-zag pattern and explodes on contact with an enemy. Respawns after ten seconds.
When hit, spawns a quickly orbiting attack fly similar to 15►Forever Alone Forever Alone for the current room dealing 75 damage per second.
Increases the size and effectiveness of most familiars.
Spawns a large orbital familiar that blocks enemy shots and deals 30 damage per second to enemies.
Prevents curses. Grants one Black Heart. Increases the chance for a Devil or Angel Room to appear.
Grants one Red Heart, one Soul Heart, and one Black Heart.
Grants one Red Heart container, restores 5 Red Hearts, and increases speed by 0.3.
Tears fired from the left eye have +1 flat damage, +5 range, and +0.5 tear height.
Increases Damage by 1, and turns Isaac's tears into blood tears.
Increases Isaac's damage whenever he takes damage, up to six times. The bonus resets when entering a new floor.
Removed in Repentance Gives one full Red Heart container, +0.7 tears and -0.16 shot speed.

Added in Repentance Gives one Red Heart container, 2 Hearts of health, +0.7 tears and -0.16 shot speed.

Shows Secret and Super Secret Room locations on the map.
Spawns a familiar that charges forward when shooting tears and explodes upon contact with an enemy, damaging and poisoning them. The familiar respawns after a few seconds.
Gives 5 bombs and grants Isaac's bombs a poison effect.
+5 bombs. Bombs gain a homing effect, slowly moving towards the nearest enemy.
All Bomb pickups become Double Bombs.
Spawns a familiar that drops a bomb every 3 rooms.
Grants 10 bombs.
Spawns various pickups: 1 coin, 1 key, 1 bomb, 1 Red Heart, 1 card/rune, 1 pill and 1 trinket.
Grants Isaac one full Red Heart container.
Tears are replaced by a laser beam that pierces through all enemies and obstacles in its path and deals high damage. Can only be fired after a short charge-up period. Added in Repentance Picking up another copy of it grants a larger laser, a 1.2x damage multiplier and +1 damage.
Chance upon entering a room to slow down or speed up every enemy and their attacks. The chance to slow enemies is quite higher than the chance to speed them up.
A familiar that follows Isaac around shooting normal tears.
Grants two empty Red Heart containers and heals Isaac by half a Red Heart, but decreases speed by 0.2.
Spawns a familiar that picks up coins for himself, giving random pickups in return. Does not spawn collectibles.
+5 bombs. Bombs now cloud up the screen, briefly damaging and confusing all enemies.
Grants +0.3 speed, reduces character size and gives a random pill.
Spawns a familiar that floats slowly around the room on a zig-zag pattern similar to The Peeper and shoots normal tears in the same direction as Isaac.
Adds 3 Soul Hearts. Grants The Wafer effect for the current room upon taking damage.
Increases health, damage, speed, and range, lowers tear delay, and gives one coin, bomb, and key.
+1 damage, +0.23 shot speed.
Grants a chance to trigger the 15►Book of Shadows Book of Shadows effect upon taking damage, creating a shield that nullifies all types of damage for 7 seconds.
Grants 3 Black Hearts, and +1 damage.
Increases damage, but also increases the chance of champion enemies appearing.
Heals Isaac for half of a Red Heart for every 13 enemies killed.
Tears fired from the left eye have +2 flat damage.
Grants charged tears that deal greater damage when fully charged.
Doubles the number of most room clear awards, but reduces the overall chance of getting one by 1/3.
Grants -1 tear delay and reduces range. When tears hit an object or deplete their range, they spawn 4 smaller tears, whose range and damage scale with Isaac's.
Increases damage by 0.5, and multiplies it by 1.5x.
Spawns an orbital familiar that blocks enemy shots, dealing 105 damage per second. Collecting additional copies grants it the ability to shoot, then chase enemies, then increases the damage.
Grants Isaac piercing tears that travel through enemies (but not obstacles) instead of breaking on impact with them.
Grants charged tears that can be fired in a tight burst of four. Getting hit while charging will teleport Isaac into another room.
Daddy Long Legs' shadow follows Isaac and occasionally stomps enemies for 40 damage total.
Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around and collects Red Hearts for himself. For every 1½ Red Hearts collected, Dark Bum will give a Soul Heart, a hostile Spider, a friendly Blue Spider, Added in Repentance or a random card, rune or pill.
+1 damage, adds a chance to shoot fear tears.
After Isaac takes damage, spawns a flying familiar that chases enemies for the current room, dealing ~5 damage per second.
Sets Isaac's Red Heart containers to 1, but grants 9 extra lives. After dying, Isaac respawns with 1 Red Heart Container.
Grants spectral tears and flight.
Grants piercing and spectral tears. Increases tear size (without increasing damage) while greatly reducing range and shot speed.
+1.5 damage, -0.3 tears. Tears are replaced with large piercing scythes.
Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac and automatically fires at enemies in its reach.
Grants one full Red Heart container.
Grants one full Red Heart container. Added in Repentance and 1 extra heart of health.
Spawns an attack fly that circles further out than 15►Halo of Flies Halo of Flies, but closer than 15►Forever Alone Forever Alone, dealing 75 damage per second.
Tears are replaced by bombs that benefit from bomb-enhancing effects and slide for a fixed time after being fired.
Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around and blocks enemy projectiles. Upon blocking a shot, it has a chance of triggering 15►The Necronomicon The Necronomicon effect.
Enemies that touch Isaac are changed into poop.
Isaac's tears are replaced with guided missiles, like those used by the 15►Doctor's Remote Doctor's Remote.
Doubles damage, halves tears stat, and greatly reduces shot speed.
Randomly increases and decreases some of the character's stats.
Has a chance to drop a random pickup when Isaac takes damage.
Grants flight and one Eternal Heart.
Grants flaming tears that deal burning damage over time. Tears have a chance to explode on impact with an enemy, which creates a fire at the location of the explosion.
Spawns an attack fly that orbits a long distance from Isaac, dealing 30 damage per second.
Spawns a conjoined familiar which chases enemies close to Isaac, dealing ~8 damage per second.
Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around and fires spectral tears.
Gives chance of spawning a Soul Heart when taking damage. Enemies have a chance to drop a Half Red Heart after being killed.
After standing still and not shooting for a short time, Isaac turns invincible until he moves or shoots.
A Devil Room / Angel Room Door will always spawn after every boss fight, excluding the first floor and floors after Utero II/Womb II.
Grants homing tears with a damaging halo. +0.5 damage, -0.3 tears, +1.2 range, -0.3 shot speed, +0.8 tear height.
+1 damage, +0.4 speed.
Spawns an orbital familiar that blocks enemy shots, deals 105 damage per second to enemies, and increases the speed of all orbital familiars.
Isaac's head is removed from his body and floats around him as an orbital. Gives +1 damage and grants -1 tear delay.
Grants a permanent 50% chance to respawn with 1/2 of a Red Heart after death.
Spawns a familiar that loosely follows behind Isaac, which blocks shots can be swung like a flail to damage enemies. Grows bigger by killing enemies.
Room clear awards have a 1/3 chance of being replaced with a chest and a 1/3 chance being replaced with nothing.
When Isaac is hit, his active item gains 1 room's worth of charge.
Spawns two Pretty Flies that block enemy shots and deal contact damage to flies.
Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around and fires two tears at once in a V-pattern.
Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac, leaving blood creep on the ground.
Increases the size of Blue Spiders and Blue Flies and doubles the amount of damage they deal.
Grants flight and one Red Heart container.
Upon entering a room, grants a shield that negates the first damage taken.
Removed in Repentance Spawns a bottle familiar that breaks when Isaac takes damage, leaving a puddle of blue creep. The bottle respawns upon entering a different room.
Added in Repentance A bottle familiar that flies forward when Isaac shoots. It breaks upon hitting an enemy, leaving a puddle of blue creep that petrifies enemies. The bottle respawns after a few seconds.
Grants 5 bombs. Isaac's bombs leave behind fire that damages enemies upon contact.
Removed in Repentance Replaces all regular red hearts, pennies, keys, and bombs with double versions worth twice as much.
Added in Repentance Regular red hearts, pennies, keys, and bombs have a chance to be replaced with double versions worth twice as much.
Chance to block projectiles coming from any direction.
1-3 Blue Flies randomly spawn every time Isaac gets hit.
Spawns allied Blue Spiders from killed enemies.
Replaces tears with explosive and poisoning projectiles fired in an arc from the mouth.
Increases damage by 0.3 and adds a chance to shoot concussive tears, causing enemies to walk around randomly.
Isaac himself is now immune to all damage, and a heart familiar appears and follows Isaac. If the heart is hurt, Isaac is hurt.
+0.5 damage, +0.25 range, +0.5 tear height.
Adds an extra life; upon death, it respawns Isaac as Dark Judas with two Black Hearts.
Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac and drips a trail of slow creep, spawning 1-2 Blue Spiders after each room.
Combined with Key Piece 2, unlocks the golden gate in the starting room of The Chest and Dark Room to fight Mega Satan.
Combined with Key Piece 1, unlocks the golden gate in the starting room of The Chest and Dark Room to fight Mega Satan.
Grants 1 Soul Heart and +1 luck. Spawns 2 Keys.
Upon dying, resurrect as Lazarus Risen with one heart container and Anemic.
Spawns a leech familiar that chases enemies, dealing ~3 damage per second. Heals a Half Red Heart whenever Leech kills an enemy.
Isaac can destroy rocks by walking into them.
Gives 6 coins, 6 bombs, and 6 keys and balances out all attributes.
Grants a familiar that shoots a thin Brimstone beam. Must charge like Brimstone before shooting.
Spawns a familiar that chases down enemies, dealing 4 damage per second and inflicting fear.
Isaac can hold 2 pills at once and all cards are replaced by pills.
Spawns a familiar who drops a Half Red Heart every 3 rooms.
Spawns a charger familiar that charges forward and deals contact damage to any enemies in its path.
Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around and fires slowing tears, impeding enemies' speed.
Spawns a familiar who follows Isaac around and fires homing tears.
Gives a random chance for projectiles to fire in all 4 cardinal directions.
Grants flight and +0.3 speed.
Isaac's tears can hit and destroy enemy projectiles. -0.16 shot speed.
+1 luck. Increases chance of winning Shell Games and Fortune Tellers (independent from the luck stat).
Added in Repentance Converts all bad pills into good pills, without identifying them.
Grants one full Red Heart container. Added in Repentance Heals 1 extra heart of health.
Gives one Red Heart container and doubles the healing provided by Red Hearts.
+0.16 shot speed, spawns a random tarot card.
Makes Isaac bigger. Adds one Red Heart container, +0.3 damage, x1.5 damage multiplier, +5.25 range, and +0.3 speed. Restores all health on pickup.
Grants one full Red Heart container, +1 luck.
Pulls pickups towards Isaac.
Grants Isaac one Black Heart, Spawns two or three Bombs.
Grants one full Red Heart container, +0.3 damage.
Enemies that touch Isaac are temporarily petrified and turn to gold. Any enemy killed while in this state will drop coins.
Decreases Isaac's size, making him less likely to be hit. +0.3 speed, +1.5 tear height, -4.25 range (effective range is increased).
Randomizes all passive items and stats upon pickup and at the start of each succeeding floor.
Grants one Black Heart. Upon taking damage that reduces Isaac's health to one heart or less, activates 15►The Necronomicon The Necronomicon effect, dealing 40 damage to all enemies in the room.
Grants a chance of converting any Red Heart pickups into Soul Hearts instead.
Spawns 4 random pills near Isaac.
+0.25 range. Adds a chance to shoot petrifying tears, which stop enemies in place and prevent them from moving or attacking.
Allows Isaac to fire tears from the back of his head.
Tears have a chance to charm enemies.
+5.25 range, +0.5 tear height. Added in Repentance Enemies that touch Isaac take 12 damage.
Adds 2 keys. Chests will drop additional pickups.
Isaac's tears are replaced by a knife that pierces enemies, can travel through obstacles and can hurt enemies while Isaac is holding it. Holding down the fire button before firing increases its range and power.
+5.25 range, +0.5 tear height. Added in Repentance Spawns one random heart.
Adds a chance to shoot fear tears and decreases tear delay by 1.
Allows Isaac to hold 1 additional trinket.
+5.25 range, +0.5 tear height. Added in Repentance Spawns 3-6 Blue Flies on pickup.
Adds a chance to spawn Blue Spiders when firing tears. Restores 1 red heart.
Increases damage by 0.04 for every coin Isaac has, up to +3.96 damage at 99 coins.
Spawns a familiar that copies the tears of Isaac's other familiars.
Increases damage and grants a charged shot that fires multiple tears in the same fashion as Monstro.
Grants 5 bombs, and makes all dropped bombs larger, which have an increased blast radius and increased damage.
Grants quadruple shot but decreases tears.
Gives Isaac's tears a boomerang effect. +1.5 range, +1 tear height, x1.6 shot speed multiplier.
Tears leave a small, short lasting pool of creep on impact or when their range is depleted.
Spawns a familiar that drops a Heart, coin, bomb, or key every 5-6 rooms.
+1.5 tears, -17.62 range
Grants one empty Heart container, +0.3 damage, +0.25 range, +0.5 tear height, and -0.1 speed.
+1.7 tears, +0.3 speed, slightly reduces damage.
Grants an empty Red Heart container. Adds a chance of dropping a Red Heart after taking damage.
Grants spectral tears that travel through obstacles (but not enemies) instead of breaking on impact with them.
Spawns seven random coins around Isaac.
+1 damage, increases Devil Room / Angel Room chance by 10%.
Converts all bad pills into good pills, spawns one pill pickup, and identifies all pills. Restores two Red Hearts and increases the payout of Blood Donation Machines.
Gives 3 pennies on pick-up. Every time Isaac is damaged, he will drop one additional penny.
-1 Tear Delay, adds knock-back shots and increases tear size.
Grants one full Red Heart container, and a chance to regenerate a Half Red Heart of health every minute of gameplay.
Isaac fires huge tears that deal massive damage but fire rate is greatly decreased. If a tear kills an enemy, the tear travels on with any leftover damage.
Tears start out massive with high damage, and then shrink down and become weaker over a short range.
Spawns a Mulligan familiar that wanders randomly. Enemies will attack the Mulligan if it's closer.
Grants 99 bombs.
Isaac heals 1 Red Heart instead of taking damage from an explosive source. Adds 5 bombs.
Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around and fires tears with random effects.
Grants 2 Red Heart containers and completely restores health.
Spawns a familiar that shoots 15►Technology Technology lasers.
Fires lasers at any enemy in its line of sight and moves based on the direction Isaac is firing tears.
+0.6 speed, +5.25 range, +0.5 tear height.
Adds 3 Soul Hearts. The Bible will appear in any item pool.
Added in RepentanceAlso a +0.5 tears up.
Spawns a familiar that spawns a Blue Fly when Isaac shoots. It can only have one Fly at a time.
Adds one full Red Heart container.
Tears bounce off walls, enemies, and environmental objects.
Spawns a familiar that drops a coin every 2 rooms.
Grants homing tears, x2.3 damage multiplier, +1 flat damage, +4.125 range, +0.75 tear height, -0.4 tears, -0.25 shot speed, a red Heart Container and replenishes all Red Hearts.
Spawns a dagger orbital familiar, dealing 225 damage per second and blocking enemy shots.
+5 Bombs. Upon exploding, bombs shoot 10 tears around them, affected by tear modifiers.
Grants one Black Heart, +5.25 range, +0.5 tear height, +0.16 shot speed.
Increases speed by +0.2 and grants piercing tears.
Attaches a ball and chain to Isaac that pulls behind him that damages enemies, blocks shots, and destroys most obstacles.
Once per room, when Isaac is reduced to his last half heart, he is granted one Soul Heart.
Grants poison tears, which deal damage over time when inflicted.
+0.5 tears, +0.2 shot speed.
Damages Isaac in exchange for fully recharging Isaac's current activated item.
Spawns a familiar that wanders randomly, occasionally spawning Blue Spiders.
Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac around shooting normal tears.
Flies become harmless or less dangerous depending on the type.
Gives Isaac 99 keys.
Spawns an orbital familiar that blocks enemy shots. Upon taking damage, the familiar will pursue enemies for the rest of the room, dealing 22.5 damage per second.
+1 Red Heart container, +0.3 damage, +0.2 tears, +0.2 speed, +0.5 range, +1 tear height. Fully restores all red hearts.
Tears are smaller and do much less damage, but fire in very rapid succession.
+0.3 speed, +0.2 shot speed.
Reveals type of adjacent rooms, including location for Secret Rooms and Super Secret Rooms.
Adds a chance to shoot slowing tears, reducing speed of enemy movement and any projectile fired by them.
When hit, spawns up to 2 Blue Spiders.
Grants spectral tears and flight.
Grants Isaac homing tears.
Increases tears by 0.4, spawns 2 Soul Hearts.
Isaac can hold 2 cards at once and all pills are replaced by cards.
Reduces all Shop prices by 50%, rounded down to 7 coins for an item, rounded up to 2-3 coins for a pickup.
Grants one full Red Heart container and +0.16 shot speed.
Increases damage by 1.
Increases damage, and adds 1 heart container.
Removed in Afterbirth Automatically inflicts slow to all enemies in every room.
Added in Afterbirth / Removed in Repentance Upon taking damage, inflicts slow to all enemies for the current room.
Added in Repentance Slows all enemies in every room to roughly half speed.
Pickups, trinkets, and monsters are magnetically attracted to Isaac's tears.
Grants one full Red Heart container and 2 Soul Hearts.
+1 damage, +5.25 range, +0.5 tear height.
-0.3 Speed. Isaac builds speed while in a room with enemies. At max speed, he gains the 15►My Little Unicorn My Little Unicorn effect for 5 seconds.
Isaac occasionally fires an unlimited range piercing laser alongside his normal tears. The laser can glitch, mimicking the effects of certain items and trinkets.
Replaces tears with a piercing laser with unlimited range.
Decreases damage and replaces right eye tears with a unlimited range, piercing laser which fires continuously.
Activated collectibles can be "overcharged" to allow for an additional use.
Increases speed by 0.3.
When taking damage, Isaac farts, causing poison damage to all enemies in range.
Adds a chance to shoot poison tears, dealing damage over time when inflicted.
Reveals all special rooms (except secret rooms of any kind).
Grants one full Red Heart container, +0.3 damage, +0.2 tears, +0.25 range, +0.3 speed, and +0.5 tear height.
Grants triple shot but decreases tears.
Allows Isaac to walk across gaps one square across by automatically placing a ladder between the two walkable sections.
Instead of firing tears, Isaac controls one floating tear that hover over obstacles. This tear deals constant damage when held in place over an enemy.
Grants one Soul Heart, +1 damage, and +0.2 speed.
Reveals the entire map, including all special rooms and Secret Rooms.
Tears have a 1/6 chance of spawning allied Blue Flies when they hit an enemy.
If Isaac has half a red heart or no red hearts after taking damage, all enemies in the room take significant damage. Allows entrance into the Dark Room Dark Room. Added in Repentance Also allows access to Home Home.
Grants two Soul Hearts, +0.5 damage, and +0.7 tears.
Isaac's tears split in two when they hit something.
Spawns a familiar that floats slowly around the room on a zig-zag pattern, damaging enemies it passes through.
If Isaac has half a red heart or no red hearts after taking damage, he gains a shield that nullifies all types of damage for 5 seconds. Allows entrance into The Chest The Chest. Added in Repentance Also allows access to Home Home.
Spawns a cross familiar that drops a Soul Heart every 5-6 rooms.
Increases tears by 0.7.
Increases damage by 1, increases tears by 0.2, and decreases speed by 0.2.
Grants two Soul Hearts. Isaac gains a pulsing aura that repels enemies and projectiles.
Inflicts poison to enemies who make contact with Isaac. Speed down. Added in Afterbirth / Removed in RepentancePoisoned enemies have a chance to drop a black heart when killed.
All sources of damage that would cause more than one-half heart of damage are reduced to one-half heart instead.
There will be 2 items available to choose from after defeating a boss. Choosing 1 item causes the other to disappear.
Destroys rocks upon contact with Isaac. Adds one Red Heart container and lowers Speed.
Range up and makes shot tears revolve around Isaac until they drop.
+0.7 tears, +0.16 shot speed.
+0.7 tears, +0.16 shot speed.
Adds a chance to shoot a tooth instead of a tear, which deals greater damage than regular tears.
Grants flight.
Reveals all rooms for every floor. However, it does not reveal icons or secret rooms.
Isaac gains a shield that protects him from enemy shots. It aims in the direction Isaac fires from.
Adds a chance to give a shield that nullifies all incoming damage for 10 seconds upon taking damage. Also converts bad pills into good pills.
Grants +1.5 damage and +0.3 speed whenever Isaac has half a red heart or less (one red heart for Eve), ignoring any Soul or Black Hearts.
Increases tears by 0.7.
Increases speed by 0.3.
Reveals and opens all Secret Room and Super Secret Room entrances.
+1.5 Damage Up. Replaces Isaac's tears with nails, which have increased knockback.
When Isaac takes damage, a black ring briefly appears around him, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
Every time Isaac takes damage, a charm effect is applied to every enemy in the room, causing them to attack each other rather than Isaac.
Grants one Soul Heart, +0.75 tears and decreases Isaac's size.
Isaac leaves a trail of black powder on the floor. Walking in a circle will spawn a pentagram symbol on the floor, which deals 10 damage per tick to any enemies inside it.
+5 bombs. Isaac's bombs will now explode in a large cross-shaped pattern (roughly 5 bombs explosions wide). This also affects player-spawned Troll Bombs.
Spawns a beggar familiar which picks up any nearby coins, leveling up after collecting several coins. At level 2, Bumbo gains a body. At level 3, it begins to fire tears. At level 4, Bumbo follows enemies and gains contact damage.
Spider enemies no longer target or deal contact damage to Isaac.
After taking damage a certain amount of times, a permanent demonic familiar spawns.
Causes Isaac's activated item to activate twice on each use.
Spawns a familiar which creates a circular aura that slows down enemies and enemy shots inside.
Drops 1-6 random pickups on the floor. Causes items to be chosen from random item pools.
Spawns a familiar that occasionally drops a Lil' Battery, gives an activate item charge, or petrifies all enemies in the room.
Surrounds Isaac with a large white halo that occasionally deals Isaac's tear damage to enemies inside it, and can convert enemy shots into friendly homing tears.
Grants spectral tears and increases range. Tears travel through walls and appear at the opposite side of the room.
Grants one full Red Heart container and drops a random trinket.
+2 soul hearts. While Isaac has no empty red hearts, grants 2x damage, +5.25 range, and -0.3 shot speed. Regardless of health, the crown deactivates for the current room when Isaac takes damage.
Upon taking damage, spawns six Troll Bombs around the room similar to the XVI - The Tower XVI - The Tower.
Isaac's damage increases each time an enemy is hit. Damage is reset upon missing a shot.
Removed in Repentance Allows Isaac to carry two cards or pills (or a combination of both) at the same time.
Added in Repentance Increases the coin cap to 999. If a room would otherwise yield no reward, 1-3 pennies will spawn.
+0.7 tears up. Grants a random item at the start of the next run.
Grants two Black Hearts. While Isaac has no red hearts, grants flight and periodically grants an invincibility shield for a few seconds.
Shooting in one direction increases Isaac's rate of fire until the cap is reached. As soon as Isaac changes direction or stops shooting, rate of fire is reset to its normal amount.
While firing tears, Isaac has a chance to fire an eye across the screen with a very slow shot speed, which will fire tears of its own in the same direction as Isaac. The eye will be destroyed if it comes into contact with an enemy or obstacle.
Isaac's tears have a chance to stick to enemies and explode.
Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac and blocks enemy shots. If a shot hits Farting Baby, it has a chance to fart, which Charms, Poisons, or knocks back nearby enemies.
A blue head familiar that will follow Isaac and fire tears copying his tear effects and damage.
Spawns a white attack fly that orbits somewhere between 15►Distant Admiration Distant Admiration and 15►Forever Alone Forever Alone, dealing 45 damage per second.
Isaac's tears gain a random effect that changes every shot.
Removed in Repentance Spawns a familiar that bounces diagonally around the room, applying a random status effect to enemies it hits and has a chance to re-roll pickups it passes over.
Added in Repentance Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac. Double tapping the fire button launches it forward, causing it to reroll the first monster or pickup it hits. It respawns after clearing a room.
+5 bombs. Bombs have a chance to drop random pickups or charm enemies when they explode.
Tears have a chance to shrink enemies, making them run away from Isaac. Shrunk enemies can be crushed and killed by walking over them.
Isaac's tears become coins and now have a chance to drop Pennies on the floor upon successfully hitting an enemy.
Adds a chance to fire holy tears, which will create a damaging light beam in the area if they hit an enemy.
A host familiar that sits on Isaac's head and has a random chance to block enemy shots and retaliate with 3 tears. Grants immunity to explosions.
Upon picking up a certain amount of health, spawn a permanent angelic familiar.
Spawns a demonic familiar that shoots tears identical to Isaac's in terms of damage, tears, and tear effects.
Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac and collects Keys for himself, giving random Chests in return.
Randomly while firing tears, Isaac will stop firing and turn red, where he will charge and release a lot of 'tears' in one go. The burst of tears also includes a kidney stone, which deals a lot of damage.
Spawns a chest familiar that spawns a random pickup (25% chance) or trinket (10% chance) upon clearing a room.
A Gurdy Jr. familiar that charges up while Isaac is firing, bouncing around the room when released and dealing contact damage based on its speed.
Spawns a Loki familiar that follows Isaac and fires 4 tears in a cross pattern.
Spawns fly familiar that moves in a straight line and circles around the first wall or obstacle it hits, dealing 105 damage per second on contact.
Isaac's damage increases for the current room each time he kills an enemy.
Isaac will now fire tears automatically directed at a red target on the ground which is controlled by the player. This allows for a full 360-degree tear firing radius. It can be overridden by other tear modifiers such as Mom's Knife or Brimstone.
Charged by firing for 2.5 seconds and when released, creates a black ring around Isaac that rapidly deals damage. Removed in Repentance +1 damage, the ring can cause enemies to drop Black Hearts.
Spawns a glass familiar that spills on the floor upon taking damage. After the milk spills, Isaac's tear delay is decreased by 2 for the current room.
+1.25 range, +0.5 tear height, +1 luck.
Two items spawn in every Treasure Room. Only one can be taken; the other will disappear.
+0.7 tears, +5.25 range, +0.5 tear height, spawns 3 random types of Hearts on the floor when picked up.
Spawns a familiar that will follow Isaac's movements on a 2.5-second delay. Tears that pass through the baby will be doubled and increase in speed.
Each time Isaac takes damage, inflicts fear on all enemies in the room and spawns a black friendly Charger that will attack enemies. The Charger will be killed if it is damaged too much.
A cone of light shines in the direction Isaac is moving that slows enemies and enemy shots.
Continuously firing tears for three seconds causes Isaac to drop a Butt Bomb, which damages and confuses all enemies in the room when it explodes.
Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac's movements on a 3 second delay and deals contact damage to enemies.
Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac's movements on a 3 second delay, firing tears at nearby enemies.
+5 coins. Turns doors that require a single key into doors which need a coin to enter instead.
Grants 4 Soul Hearts and fully restores Isaac's health.
Gives Isaac spectral tears and gives his tears a wide arc shape, increasing their size.
Boosts one of Isaac's stats depending on the color of the aura around him. The aura disappears upon taking damage and reappears with a random color upon entering a new room. Red boosts damage, blue boosts tears, yellow boosts speed, and orange boosts range.
Causes shops to instantly restock their items when they are bought. Granted by default for every character in Greed Mode.
Spawns a familiar that drops a random rune every 5-6 rooms.
Coins, bombs, keys, cards, runes and batteries have a chance to become sacks.
Adds 5 bombs. Isaac's bombs explode into 2-4 tiny bombs.
Spawns an angel familiar which follows Isaac and fires homing tears which deal 10 damage and have 75% shot speed.
Tears have a chance to apply a poison effect to enemies. Isaac poisons enemies on contact. Poisoned enemies have a chance to drop a black heart when killed.
In addition to tears, Isaac holds a spear in front of him which deals contact damage equal to 2x his tear damage, and occasionally inflicts fear.
Displays Isaac's tear damage and enemy health bars. Spawns a familiar that wanders around and inflicts random status effects on enemies it touches. Can spawn a Lil' Battery/Blue spider upon clearing a room.
+5 bombs. Bombs stick to enemies and spawn 2-4 Blue Spiders if they kill an enemy.
Spawns a flying familiar that bounces around the room with a black aura, dealing rapid damage to any enemies inside it. While standing in the aura, Isaac gains a 1.5x tear damage multiplier.
Spawns an orbital familiar which does 105 damage per second and attracts and blocks enemy shots. Upon blocking 10 shots in a room it drops an Eternal Heart.
Tears are replaced with laser rings that pierce through enemies and deal damage to enemies within them. Can be charged to increase the size of the ring.
Tears simultaneously fire out of both eyes diagonally, similar to the effect of the R U a Wizard? pill. Isaac's tears also travel above all obstacles.
Upon entering a room, poisons all enemies, dealing double Isaac's tear damage. Killing enemies leaves a small, short lasting pool of green creep on the ground.
Increases tears, range, and shot speed. Isaac emits a beam from his face that his tears follow along.
Gives Isaac a random zodiac item effect that changes every floor.
Spawns a random Harbinger familiar that changes every 10 seconds. Harbingers have different behaviors and spawn themed Locusts.
Spawns a familiar that drops a random pill every 3 rooms. Upon using a pill, all enemies in the room are poisoned.
Increases damage based on how many empty Red Heart containers Isaac has.
+0.35 tears up. Allows Isaac to fire tears diagonally.
Spawns an orbital familiar with a large orbital radius. Tears that pass through the prism split into four multi-colored tears.
Spawns a fly familiar that orbits around a random enemy and deals 30 damage per second to enemies it comes in contact with.
Increases tears. Adds a chance to fire a high-damage razor blade.
Isaac's tears deal double damage and inflict bleeding on enemies if they're facing away from Isaac.
Drops a random trinket. Grants a second trinket slot.
Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac and charges across the room when Isaac fires, blocking shots and dealing 40.5 damage per second on contact.
Grants one Soul Heart. Upon entering a boss room, grants a shield that blocks one hit, then disappears.
Spawns an orbital familiar that deals 30 damage per second and fires a randomly angled tear every 2 seconds.
Increases damage by a flat 0.1 and grants a Soul Heart. Enemies can randomly become briefly charmed or feared. Taking damage has a chance to spawn a rainbow poop.
Replaces all Red Hearts with 6 empty Bone Hearts. Upon losing a Bone Heart, Isaac fires bones in 8 directions and permanently gains a tears up.
Enemies, enemy shots, tears, and pickups will briefly freeze in place at random intervals.
One of two parts necessary to create Mom's Shovel.
Spawns a familiar with a random tear effect. The familiar is randomized at the start of each floor.
Isaac becomes camouflaged at the beginning of each room. Until he shoots, all non-boss enemies will be confused.
Increases range. Tears turn into bones, which shatter into 1-3 bone shards upon hitting an enemy or obstacle.
Grants a Soul Heart. Gives Isaac a chance to ignore any damage taken.
The first enemy killed in a room explodes and poisons nearby enemies. Poisoned enemies will also explode upon death.
+1.5 range, Drops a Lucky Penny.
Creates a ring of light around Isaac that petrifies enemies in contact.
When at exactly one Red Heart, grants +0.75 tears, +1.5 range, +1 tear height, +0.2 shot speed.
While firing, Isaac gains a green aura that poisons nearby enemies.
Grants a pickup or stat upgrade if all enemies in a room are killed in the order they are marked.
Spawns a familiar that leaves a trail of creep that damages enemies at 6 damage per second. Has a chance to spawn damaging beams of light onto enemies that touch the cloud.
Grants one Bone Heart, +0.7 tears, spawns a Mysterious Paper.
+0.3 damage, +0.1 speed. Plays a howl or bark sound when entering a room with undiscovered Secret Rooms or Crawl Spaces.
Whenever a Devil or Angel Room would spawn after defeating a boss, both rooms spawn. Only one can be entered.
An Angel Room door will always spawn after every boss fight, excluding the first floor and floors after The Womb The Womb II/Utero Utero II.
Adds a chance to fire needles that instantly kill basic enemies and deal triple damage to bosses. If a needle kills an enemy, it bursts into more tears/needles.
Grants piercing tears. After piercing one enemy, tears start homing and deal double damage.
Every 20 tears, Isaac loses 1 coin and shoots an additional gold tear that petrifies enemies and turns them into gold. Any enemy killed while in this state will drop coins.
Grants 7 bombs and allows bombs to be placed rapidly.
Spawns a finger familiar that points at enemies, dealing scaling damage.
Tears bounce off the floor, creating splashes. Splashes deal 25% of Isaac's tear damage to all enemies in a small area.
Adds a chance to shoot a fire that damages enemies and remains in place until it deals enough damage or the room is left.
Adds a chance to shoot tears that confuse enemies for an extremely long time.
Grants 2 Soul Hearts and modifies drops from Champion monsters based on certain conditions.
Grants a Red Heart container for every 25 coins Isaac has.
Tears are now fired in an arc. Upon hitting the floor, an obstacle, or an enemy, they burst into many smaller tears in all directions. Increases tear delay.
Spawns a white poop familiar, which turns into a white poop when Isaac is hurt. White poop has an aura that halves tear delay and can block enemy shots.
Spawns a Hush familiar that bounces diagonally around the room and deals contact damage. While firing tears, it stops moving.
Tears fire sparks of electricity in random directions upon hitting an obstacle or enemy.
Spawns a familiar that flies through the room while firing, dealing a flat 7 contact damage to enemies retrieving pickups.
Grants an active item charge every 15 enemies killed.
Spawns a familiar that follows Isaac and makes other familiars follow it. While firing tears, other familiars stop moving.
Isaac's tears decelerate as they travel. Upon stopping or hitting an obstacle, they burst into 8 tears in all directions. Tears can be fired into other tears to feed them, increasing their damage.
Adds a chance to fire a creep shot that deals double damage and leaves a trail of slowing white creep.
After every 15 tears fired, Isaac will fire a high-damage cluster of tears.
Upon taking damage, grants a body part as an orbital, which blocks enemy shots and deals 7 damage per tick to enemies it comes in contact with. The orbitals will be destroyed if they take enough damage from enemies or enemy shots.
Grants a familiar that transforms into another random familiar every 10 seconds.
Spawns a familiar that fires clusters of tears. Must be charged before shooting.
Drops a random pill, and spawns a familiar that charges up and fires creep. Using pills changes the creep type.
Constantly shooting causes Isaac to release gas clouds that can be pushed by his tears and damage nearby enemies.
Removed in Repentance Adds a chance to fire a piercing tear that instantly kills any enemy that it touches.
Added in Repentance Adds a chance to fire a tear that summons Big Horn's hand to crush the first enemy it hits, instantly killing monsters or greatly damaging bosses.
Spawns 3 random trinkets, 5% chance to swallow held trinket after taking damage, gaining its effect permanently.
Grants one bone heart and spawns three red heart pickups.
Grants one Soul Heart. Enemy shots have a chance to be reflected at the shooter as confusing tears.
Grants one full Red Heart container.
Spawns an orbiting razor that deals contact damage and inflicts bleeding on enemies, causing them to slowly take damage over time.
Spawns an egg familiar, which cracks into a random friendly monster when Isaac is hurt. The egg regenerates upon entering a different room.
Adds a chance to fire an egg sack which creates slowing creep and spawns a Blue Fly or Blue Spider upon hitting an enemy.
Spawns a bone familiar that hovers back and forth in front of Isaac, dealing damage equal to Isaac's damage.
Upon entering a room with enemies in it, has a chance to spawn a random friendly enemy that persists across rooms.
Allows Isaac to carry two cards, pills, or any combination of both. Spawns one random card, rune or pill.
Replaces Isaac's tears with eyeballs that can bounce off of each other. The eyeballs are not limited by range, and will instead dissipate when they stop moving or when hitting an enemy or obstacle.
Spawns a familiar that drops a sack every 5-6 rooms cleared.
Allows Isaac to hold two active items.
Spawns a shadow familiar that follows Isaac's movements on a 1 second delay and deals contact damage to enemies. After dealing enough damage, it is absorbed by Isaac and spawns friendly Chargers.
Removed in Repentance Upon taking damage, Isaac has a chance to drop a full red heart, gain 5 range, and leave a trail of damaging red creep for the current room.
Added in Repentance Taking damage causes Isaac to bleed, spraying a volley of blood in the direction he fires. Bleeding will eventually damage him, but it can be stopped by picking up a Red Heart.
Adds a chance to fire a booger that sticks to enemies and deals damage over time.
Spawns a bone familiar that circles around Isaac and reflects enemy shots.
+0.3 damage. Adds a chance to fire acidic tears which can destroy obstacles.
Drops a random card or rune. Removed in Repentance Doubles the effects of most cards and runes. Added in Repentance Doubles the effects of tarot cards.
Connects Isaac's tears with electricity that can damage enemies.
Damage down. Tears are replaced with piercing white blasts of light that can damage the same enemy multiple times.
Taking damage releases a ring of 10 high damage tears.
+1 luck. Spawns a fairy familiar that points out Secret Rooms, Crawl Space entrances, and tinted rocks.
Repeatedly zaps enemies that are close to Isaac.
Enemies near Isaac are afflicted with fear.
Active items don't charge when clearing rooms. Instead, they're charged by dealing damage to enemies.
Gives Isaac +0.5 Tears and +0.2 Shot Speed.
Devil deals now cost coins, shop items now cost health, and consumables in shops are free but surrounded by spikes.
Increases tears and grants an Eternal Heart. Allows Angel Rooms to appear even if a Devil deal has been taken before.
Creates a chain of tears behind Isaac while in combat.
Quadruples fire rate, with x0.3 damage multiplier. Tears are given random worm trinket effects.
Causes Isaac to turn into a ghost if he gets hit while in a room with enemies, giving him flight and spectral tears and blocking the next hit he takes.
Isaac builds rage every time a room is cleared. After four rooms, fires a large 15►Brimstone Brimstone laser when entering the next room.
Recharges Isaac's currently held active item and drops 2-4 batteries.
Causes enemies to bounce off of Isaac, dealing damage to them if they hit and enemy or obstacle. Also gives Isaac the chance to deflect enemy shots.
+1 red heart container and fully heals Isaac. Item pedestals cycle between their normal items and food, and collecting food grants a temporary damage boost and permanent bonuses to 2 stats.
The first time Isaac takes damage in a room, a familiar leaps on an enemy, dealing damage and releasing a rock wave. For the rest of the room, it chases enemies similar to 15►Dead Bird Dead Bird.
Gives Isaac the chance to shoot fires alongside his regular tears that block enemy shots and deal damage to enemies that touch them.
Has a different effect for each character.
Grants a Red Heart container and restore 5 hearts. Bombs leave behind damaging red creep. Isaac can place bombs at the cost of half a heart if he doesn't have any.
Stabs Isaac at the beginning of each floor, draining his red hearts. Increases damage and speed for the floor based on the amount drained.
Spawns a familiar that chases enemies. After killing enough enemies, it becomes more powerful but will also try to hurt Isaac. Attacking it returns it to normal.
When Isaac takes damage, he gains speed and tears for the rest of the floor.
Gives Isaac a familiar that fires chaotic bursts of tears in all directions.
Enemies spawn floating bones on death, which block shots and damage/repel enemies that touch them.
Spawns 5 random cards.
Spawns an orbiting fly familiar that fires shielded tears at incoming enemy projectiles.
Gives Isaac +5 bombs and causes his bombs to fire 15►Brimstone Brimstone lasers in the cardinal directions upon exploding.
Gives permanent stat boosts when Isaac heals with red heart pickups.
Spawns two portals that each lead to either the Boss Room, Secret Room, or Treasure Room at the beginning of each floor.
Increases Isaac's lowest stat and drops either 3 coins, 1 bomb, or 1 key depending on what Isaac has the least of.
Unlocks doors and reveals a random room on the map when Isaac takes damage.
Spawns an ice cube familiar that slides around when walked into. It slows and deals contact damage, freezing monsters it kills.
Begins the sequence to access Home.
Destroying poop spawns friendly Dips that follow Isaac and damage enemies. Destroying different types of poop spawns different Dips with special effects.
Double tapping a fire key creates a shield that pushes away enemies and reflects enemy projectiles and lasers.
Grants flight, +0.1 speed, +2 damage, and the 15►Holy Mantle Holy Mantle effect. Grants enough health to have 6 full hearts, if possible. Automatically given to Isaac after defeating Dogma.
During the transition between floors, Isaac's nightmare shows the floor's Treasure Room item and boss. Grants half a soul heart when entering a new floor.
When Isaac uses a card, pill, or rune, he also uses a copy of every card/pill/rune he used after picking up Echo Chamber.
If Isaac has an empty heart container, another one is added at the start of each floor.
Increases luck by 2.0.
Lowers the tear delay in Isaac's left eye, causing his eyes to fire at different rates.
Isaac's tears are now controlled mid-flight with tear controls. Also increases damage and range, but decreases shot speed.
Causes Isaac to occasionally extra fire tears in random directions while shooting.
Converts good pills into bad pills and identifies all pills. Bad pills now have secondary positive effects. Grants one Black Heart.
Spawns a shooting familiar that has a chance to petrify enemies, and Freezes monsters upon killing them.
Gives Isaac a miniature Baby Plum familiar that propels itself diagonally around the room, firing tears behind itself as it travels.
Gives Isaac 5 bombs and causes his bombs to spawn ghosts that deal contact damage to enemies and explode after 10 seconds.
Causes Isaac to spawn micro-Isaacs when he takes damage, which chase and shoot at nearby enemies.
Before being picked up, item pedestals cycle between 5 random items.
Shows the contents of Chests, Sacks, and Fire Places before they're opened.
Grants 3 broken hearts and +0.25 damage for every broken heart Isaac has. Every otherwise fatal hit will add 2 more until Isaac has nothing but broken hearts.
Double-tapping a fire button causes Isaac to sneeze blood, dealing damage to enemies in front of him.
Enemies have a chance to spawn ghosts on death, which chase and deal contact damage to enemies and explode after a short time.
After taking damage from an enemy, launches a half or full red heart from Isaac that despawns after 1.5 seconds.
Causes Isaac to throw poop, create buffing creep, or drop bombs while fighting enemies.
Adds one red heart container and fully restores health. x1.2 damage multiplier. Isaac will occasionally fire extra tears that orbit around him.
Upon death, Isaac respawns in the current room with half a heart left, a massive size down, and +0.2 speed.
Spawns an Old Chest at the start of each floor.
Releases a ring of tears and increases tears for the current room when Isaac takes damage.
+2 red Heart containers, -0.3 speed. Isaac builds speed while standing still, and releases poison gas clouds when he moves with increased speed.
Rocks and props spawn spiders over time while in a room with enemies, and spawn two blue spiders when destroyed.
Gives range, speed, or damage when buying things from a shop. Also spawns three coins and a key on pickup.
Combined with Added in Repentance15►Knife Piece 2 Knife Piece 2, creates a knife familiar that damages enemies and can open the door to the Corpse Corpse.
Combined with Added in Repentance15►Knife Piece 1 Knife Piece 1, creates a knife familiar that damages enemies and can open the door to the Corpse Corpse.
Adds a chance to shoot a fist tear that has extremely high knockback and confuses enemies.
Spawns a familiar that charges a miniature Added in Afterbirth15►Maw of the Void Maw of the Void attack while Isaac shoots.
Gives Isaac a Dumpy familiar that, when it takes damage, pushes/stuns/poisons nearby enemies and flies in a random direction.
A familiar that flies forward, consuming pickups in its path. Each one will increase its size and damage and spawn a Blue Fly. Every four pickups, it opens a portal that leads to an unexplored room.
Gives Isaac the chance to fire tears that magnetize enemies they hit, causing them to attract nearby pickups and enemies, as well as tears/shots from all sources.
Gives Isaac a soul familiar that dies in one hit, respawning at the start of the next floor. If it survives an entire floor, it rewards Isaac with hearts or items.
Adds an extra Secret Room and Super Secret Room to each floor. Secret Rooms contain a beam of light that increases tears for the current floor and give soul hearts.
Dash by double-tapping the movement key, becoming invulnerable and damaging enemies. There's a short cooldown before Isaac can dash again.
Adds a trapdoor to every shop that leads to a second shop with a unique stock and marked up prices.
+0.4 speed. Doors stay open after entering a room, even in rooms with enemies.
Isaac gains an aura that deals damage to enemies inside it.
While firing, Isaac charges up a short-ranged 15►Brimstone Brimstone-like diarrhea beam that shoots behind him.
Gives Isaac the chance to fire spore tears that stick to enemies and blow up after a few seconds, dealing damage and poisoning nearby enemies and releasing more spores.
+5 bombs. Bombs explode with a random bomb effect.
While not firing, Isaac builds a massive tears bonus over 3 seconds. The tear bonus falls off rapidly as Isaac fires.
Gives Isaac the chance to fire tears that create rifts where they land, which damage nearby enemies and pull in enemies, pickups, and tears/shots from all sources.
If a room gives a reward when cleared, there will be two different rewards to chose from. Taking one causes the other to disappear.
Prevents creep and floor spikes from damaging Isaac. Also gives Isaac +0.3 speed and 2 soul hearts.
Gives Isaac a tears bonus based on how many consecutive rooms he's cleared without taking damage.
Grants multicolored tears. Each color comes with a different status or tear effect.
Significantly shrinks Isaac, allowing him to squeeze between objects and makes some enemy shots pass over him. Also gives +0.7 tears.
Spawns a fly orbital familiar that chases and deflects enemy shots and converts them into homing tears.
While in a room with enemies, spawns cracks on the ground. Walking over these cracks summon ghosts that launch themselves at enemies and explode.
Killing enemies spawns a stationary shooting familiar where they died for the current room.
Refills all heart containers. Grants an enormous damage boost that wears off over time.
Gives Isaac a soul heart and +1 damage if he ignores a devil room.
Allows Isaac to charge a holy laser by continuously firing for 2.5 seconds, then releasing the fire buttons. Also gives Isaac flight and 2 soul hearts.
Sets all stats to their base value. Prevents stats from being lowered for the rest of the run.
+5 bombs. If Isaac is currently moving, placing a bomb will instead shoot a fast-moving, explosive rocket in the direction he's facing.
Adds a chance to fire tears that Mark enemies. Marked enemies are attacked by other enemies.
Prevents low-quality items from spawning, greatly increasing the quality of items received from all items pools.
Gives Isaac a halo that summons beams of light on enemies inside it. The halo grows larger the more times Isaac has taken damage this floor.
Spawns a special set of spikes in the Devil Room. Taking damage from the spikes has a chance to grant a reward.
Upon entering a room, a circle of tears orbits Isaac. Enemy tears have a chance to be caught in orbit, turning them friendly.
Adds a Red Heart container, and increases speed, damage, tears, range, shot speed, and luck.
Reveals the location of the Boss room. Upon defeating a boss, activates XIX - The Sun, fully recharges Isaac's active item, and grants bonus damage and luck for the rest of the floor.
Gives Isaac a permanent stat boost whenever he picks up a soul heart.
On death, Isaac's ghost is chained to his dead body and he can continue to fight with 1/2 of a heart, returning to life after 10 seconds. Must be recharged by picking up a soul heart.
Instead of tears, Isaac swings a sword. Charging does a spin attack and fires a projectile, and a projectile is sometimes fired with normal swings if Isaac has no empty red hearts.
+1 damage. Prevents Isaac from firing tears from one eye, like Cain.
Spawns a star familiar that slowly travels towards the Boss Room, giving an aura that increases damage and tears and grants homing.
Spawns Keeper to fight enemies alongside Isaac. If Keeper dies, he spawns blue spiders and Strawman is removed from Isaac's inventory.
Grants one Red Heart container and heals for one extra heart.
Replaces tears with rocks that deal variable damage, have increased knockback, and can destroy obstacles.
A familiar burrows in Isaac's head, firing 4 slowing tears. Upon taking damage, there's a chance it will burst out of Isaac's head, spawning blue spiders and chasing enemies for the current room.
Generates a ladder at the start of every floor that leads to a unique Angel Room shop.
Spawns nine orbital flies, which turn into Blue Flies after they block a shot. Each time a room is cleared, spawns another orbital fly.
Gives Isaac a Teratoma orbital that blocks shots, deals contact damage, and splits into smaller versions of itself upon taking damage. The smaller versions break into blue spiders.
Causes all future items to be "glitched", granting them completely random effects.
Isaac periodically turns into a spiked statue, briefly becoming invulnerable and dealing contact damage.
+1.5 range, Increases tear size.
Gives Isaac two familiars that stand by Isaac's side and fire tears that use Isaac's tears, range, shot speed, and tear effects and scale with Isaac's damage.
Isaac shoots ice tears, which slow enemies and freeze monsters they kill. Frozen enemies slide away and explode into ice shards when touched.
Spawns a familiar that becomes a clone of the floor's boss when entering the boss room. Defeating it drops an extra item.
Enemies explode into tears upon death, which inherit the effects of Isaac's tears.
After taking damage, spawns an orbital wisp that lasts for the entire floor, up to a maximum of six. They fire tears but do not block shots.
Adds one red Heart container. Enemies near Isaac become charmed.
Spawns an additional curse room on each floor.
Gives Isaac a nerve ending familiar that burrows out of the ground to grab and deal damage to enemies over time.
Grants a familiar that can block enemy shots.

All Trinkets

???'s Soul
A Missing Page
AAA Battery
Ace of Spades
Bible Tract
Black Lipstick
Bloody Penny
Broken Ankh
Broken Magnet
Broken Remote
Burnt Penny
Butt Penny
Cain's Eye
Child's Heart
Counterfeit Penny
Cursed Skull
Curved Horn
Daemon's Tail
Eve's Bird Foot
Fish Head
Flat Penny
Flat Worm
Goat Hoof
Hook Worm
Isaac's Fork
Isaac's Head
Judas' Tongue
Liberty Cap
Lucky Rock
Lucky Toe
Maggy's Faith
Match Stick
Missing Poster
Mom's Pearl
Mom's Toenail
Monkey Paw
Mysterious Candy
Mysterious Paper
Paper Clip
Petrified Poop
Pinky Eye
Pulse Worm
Purple Heart
Push Pin
Red Patch
Ring Worm
Rosary Bead
Rusted Key
Safety Cap
Samson's Lock
Store Credit
Swallowed Penny
The Left Hand
Umbilical Cord
Whip Worm
Wiggle Worm
Black Feather
Blasting Cap
Blind Rage
Bob's Bladder
Brown Cap
Child Leash
Cracked Dice
Endless Nameless
Faded Polaroid
Golden Horse Shoe
Lazy Worm
Lil Larva
Mom's Locket
Poker Chip
Rainbow Worm
Rib of Greed
Safety Scissors
Second Hand
Shiny Rock
Store Key
Stud Finder
Super Magnet
Tape Worm
Watch Battery
Bag Lunch
Bat Wing
Black Tooth
Bloody Crown
Cracked Crown
Crow Heart
Dim Bulb
Door Stop
Duct Tape
Extension Cord
Filigree Feather
Finger Bone
Fish Tail
Fragmented Card
Locust of Conquest
Locust of Death
Locust of Famine
Locust of Pestilence
Locust of War
Lost Cork
Nose Goblin
Ouroboros Worm
Pay to Win
Rotten Penny
Silver Dollar
Stem Cell
Super Ball
Used Diaper
Vibrant Bulb
Wish Bone
Wooden Cross
A Lighter
Adoption Papers
Apollyon's Best Friend
Apple of Sodom
Azazel's Stump
Beth's Essence
Beth's Faith
Blessed Penny
Blue Key
Brain Worm
Broken Glasses
Broken Padlock
Broken Syringe
Charged Penny
Chewed Pen
Cricket Leg
Crystal Key
Cursed Penny
Devil's Crown
Dice Bag
Dingle Berry
Expansion Pack
Flat File
Forgotten Lullaby
Found Soul
Friendship Necklace
Gigante Bean
Gilded Key
Hollow Heart
Holy Crown
Ice Cube
Keeper's Bargain
Kid's Drawing
Lil Clot
Lucky Sack
Modeling Clay
Mom's Lock
Mother's Kiss
Nuh Uh!
Number Magnet
Old Capacitor
Panic Button
Polished Bone
RC Remote
Ring Cap
Short Fuse
Sigil of Baphomet
Strange Key
Swallowed M80
Teardrop Charm
Telescope Lens
Temporary Tattoo
The Twins
Torn Card
Torn Pocket
Wicked Crown
Your Soul
Spawns a familiar that floats slowly around the room on a pattern similar to The Peeper and fires spectral and homing tears.
5% chance to induce 15►The Necronomicon The Necronomicon's effect upon taking damage.
Automatically recharges the last energy slot of an activated item, effectively reducing recharge rates by one.
Increases the chance of tarot cards or playing cards dropping after clearing a room, and the chance of finding cards when opening a chest.
Increases chance for Eternal Hearts to spawn.
Increases the chance of Black Hearts appearing.
Gives a 50% chance to drop a Half Red Heart when money is collected.
When held, Isaac has a chance to be revived as ???. Can occur multiple times in the same run.
Pulls coins towards Isaac, but ignores other pickups.
Triggers the Teleport effect whenever an activated item is used.
Gives a 50% chance to drop a bomb when money is collected.
Isaac will fart when he picks up a coin. Coins have a higher chance to drop from poop.
When starting a floor, 25% chance to get the The Compass effect for the duration of a floor.
Prevents damage from creep and spikes.
-2 tear delay (effectively increases firerate of tears).
Chance to trigger 15►The Gamekid The Gamekid effect upon taking damage.
Increases the chance of a heart pickup dropping after clearing a room, and the chance of finding a heart when opening a Chest.
Gives a 50% chance of increasing the value of every coin pickup by one.
If Isaac has less than one full Red Heart after taking damage, he will be immediately teleported to the last cleared room he was in.
Increases damage by 2.
Most non-specific heart drops become Black Hearts, but heart drops are significantly less common.
5% chance to spawn a 15►Dead Bird Dead Bird familiar for the current room each time an enemy dies.
Spawns a Blue Fly every time Isaac takes damage.
Gives a 50% chance of spawning a key upon collecting a penny.
Isaac's tears take on an oblong appearance. They also push enemies back.
Increases speed by 0.15.
Tears move shifting left to right forming a path of right angles. +10 to range (effective range remains about the same).
Isaac has a chance to heal for 1/2 a Red Heart upon clearing a room.
Spawns Isaac's severed head as a tear-firing familiar. Fires piercing tears.
Items in the Devil Room only cost 1 heart. Soul heart trades still cost 3 soul hearts.
Grants a chance of triggering Mini Mush, Odd Mushroom (Large), Odd Mushroom (Thin) or The Compass effects for the current room upon entering it.
Rocks and their variants drop 1 penny when destroyed.
+1 Luck. Adds a chance to drop an extra pickup when opening a chest, destroying a machine, or blowing up a tinted rock.
Gives an eternal heart at the start of every floor.
Increases the chance of Bombs dropping after clearing a room, and the chance of finding Bombs when opening a Chest.
Removed in Afterbirth If Isaac dies in a Sacrifice Room, a puzzle piece will appear on his last will.
Added in Afterbirth Dying in Sacrifice Room while holding it unlocks The Lost. If The Lost is unlocked, revives Isaac as The Lost on death then disappears.
Grants a secondary 10% chance of any non-specific heart drop turning into a soul heart.
Once a minute, Mom's foot randomly stomps down somewhere in the room.
If the character has half a heart after taking damage, it drops a black heart. The effect can trigger up to three times, after which the trinket will disappear.
Isaac farts or poops at random intervals. Getting hit can also trigger the effect.
Has a chance to replicate the effects of A Missing Page A Missing Page, 15►The Polaroid The Polaroid, 15►The Negative The Negative, or Missing Poster Missing Poster.
Locked Chests can be opened without using a key.
Greatly increases the chances of a pickup dropping when destroying poop.
Adds a 10% chance to shoot a poison tear, dealing damage over time when inflicted.
Tears pulsate in size as they travel.
Increases the chance of encountering champion enemies and bosses.
Adds a 10% chance to shoot a piercing and spectral tear.
Grants a chance of increasing damage by 1.8 for the current room upon taking damage.
Isaac fires in a fast spiraling pattern. Added in Repentance Also grants spectral tears.
Increases the chance of Angel Rooms appearing, as well as the chance to find The Bible in the Library and Shop.
Increases the chance of keys dropping after clearing a room, and the chance of finding keys when opening a Chest.
Improves the chance of pills dropping after clearing a room, and the chance of finding a Pill when opening a Chest.
1/15 chance to increase damage by 0.5 for the current room each time an enemy dies.
The next store purchase is free. The trinket disappears on purchase.
Upon taking damage, Isaac drops a penny.
Replaces all types of chests with red chests.
Drains 15% health from enemies with more than 60 HP. Restores one Red Heart when entering an uncleared boss room. The Tick cannot be dropped or swapped for another trinket.
When brought down to only a Half Red Heart, spawns a 15►Little Steven Little Steven familiar for the current room. Added in Repentance Adds a high chance to spawn a 15►Gemini Gemini familiar for the current room after taking damage.
Increases shot speed by 0.5, increasing effective range.
Gives Isaac's shots a wave-like trajectory. +0.4 tears.
Increases Isaac's damage for possessing certain evil items.
Exploding bombs have a chance to drop another Bomb pickup.
Increases invincibility time after getting hit.
Increases knockback of tears.
Leaves a pool of green creep under all bombs Isaac places, which damages enemies that walk over it.
Poop blocks will explode after being destroyed.
Causes familiars to stay closer to each other.
Activates the effect of 15►The D6 The D6, Added in Afterbirth15►D8 D8, Added in Afterbirth15►D12 D12, or 15►D20 D20 whenever Isaac takes damage.
Has a 25% chance of creating a duplicate of any pill, card, or rune Isaac uses.
Gives a random trinket effect each room.
Occasionally causes Isaac to blend into the ground, which briefly confuses all enemies in the room.
+15% chance for a Treasure Room with two items to spawn.
Donating to a donation machine has a chance to heal Isaac for a full red heart or spawn a beggar. Increases the chance that donating to a Donation Machine will increase Isaac's luck.
Increases Range by 4 and decreases Shot Speed by .4.
Spawns a Blue Fly from every pile of poop that Isaac destroys.
Occasionally spawns a Blue Spider.
Grants half a red heart each time a key is used. Converts half red heart pickups into full red hearts.
Prevents active items from being generated, if possible.
Chests have a 50% chance of paying out with extra pickups and a 50% chance of paying out with nothing or enemies.
Isaac's tears gain a worm effect that changes every 3 seconds.
Prevents Greed and Super Greed from appearing in shops and secret rooms, and makes coin drops after clearing rooms more likely.
Troll bombs turn into Bomb pickups before they explode. Mega troll bombs turn into 1+1 free bombs before they explode.
Increases the time that status effects stay on enemies.
Tinted rocks and rocks with crawl spaces flash white upon entering the room and every 10 seconds afterward.
Shops can be opened without using keys.
Increases the chance to find a Crawl Space.
Pulls enemies and pickups towards Isaac.
Doubles Isaac's range and halves his tear height.
Increased chance of batteries spawning. Has a chance to add an extra charge to Isaac's activated item upon completing a room.
Grants Isaac's familiars homing shots.
Taking damage has a small chance to destroy the trinket and spawn 15►Lunch Lunch.
Upon killing an enemy, has a chance to grant flight for the rest of the room.
Adds a chance to fire a black tooth that deals double damage and poisons enemies.
Using an active item will drop it onto a pedestal on the ground. Taking damage may result in dropping a passive item.
Removed in Repentance Decreases Isaac's tear delay by 20%, and improves the effectiveness of his other stat upgrades by ~33%.
Added in Repentance Improves the effectiveness of other stat upgrades by ~20%.
Red Heart damage will be taken before Soul and Black Heart damage.
Provides a boost to all stats when Isaac's active item is completely uncharged.
The last door Isaac went through stays open, allowing him to leave the room even if enemies are in it.
Holds Isaac's familiars in place relative to his position.
Turns pickups into their doubled versions while Isaac's numbers of coins, bombs, and keys are equal.
Beams of yellow electricity flow between Isaac and his familiars, damaging any enemies between them.
Angels drop Angel Room items instead of key pieces when defeated.
Grants a chance to gain a bone heart upon taking damage.
Items and trinkets that generate Blue Flies or Blue Spiders will generate twice as many.
Makes two Secret Rooms spawn on each floor.
Fully recharges Isaac's active item upon entering a boss fight.
Upon entering a room with enemies, spawns 2-5 White Locusts which damage enemies.
Upon entering a room with enemies, spawns a Black Locust that does a very high amount of damage.
Upon entering a room with enemies, spawns a Yellow Locust that damages and slows enemies.
Upon entering a room with enemies, spawns a Green Locust which damages and poisons enemies.
Upon entering a room with enemies, spawns a Red Locust which detonates upon impact with enemies.
Increases the radius of any creep produced by Isaac.
Black poop can drop black hearts when destroyed. Poop has a chance to turn into black poop.
Chance to fire a homing booger that sticks to enemies and deals damage over time.
Tears travel in a large spiral pattern and become spectral, with a small chance to home.
Restock boxes always spawn in Item Rooms.
Spawns a Blue Fly every time a coin is picked up.
Shops appear in Chapter 4.
Removed in Repentance Heals Isaac for half a heart upon traveling to the next floor.
Added in Repentance Sets Isaac's Red Heart health to 50% of maximum upon traveling to the next floor. If his health is already equal to or above 50%, it heals half a Red Heart instead.
Makes tears have a chance to bounce off enemies and obstacles.
When hit, there is a small chance a removed tonsil familiar starts following Isaac, blocking enemy shots.
Grants the 15►Skatole Skatole effect in some rooms.
Provides a boost to all stats when Isaac's active item is fully charged.
Being hit by explosions will eventually destroy the trinket and spawn various pickups.
Taking damage has a small chance to destroy the trinket and spawn a random item.
Grants a shield that negates the first damage taken once per floor.
Using an active item rerolls it.
Adds a chance for enemies to burn upon entering a room.
Shops can sell familiars, which will always be at a discounted price.
Spawns two attack locust familiars which will fly forward while Isaac shoots.
Picking up red hearts, even while at full health, can convert them into blue spiders. The effect may consume hearts needed for healing.
When clearing a room, adds a chance to turn into Azazel until clearing another.
Once per floor, taking damage will spawn a wisp and grants a few seconds of invulnerability. Entering an Angel Room spawns 5 wisps. Giving money to beggars can spawn wisps.
At the beginning of each floor, spawn 4-8 wisps that orbit Isaac and fires tears alongside him.
Gives a chance to drop a Half Soul Heart when a coin is collected.
Doors can be unlocked without using keys. Opening a door this way brings Isaac to an in-between room that resembles ??? ???, with a few monsters.
Tears snap 90 degrees to target enemies that they may have missed.
Gives a 33% chance to add a '?' item to Treasure Rooms. Only one item can be taken. The extra items on the alt path are revealed instead.
Locks can be opened with explosions.
Grants a chance to gain a random syringe effect for the current room.
Picking up coins has a chance to give an Active Item charge.
Adds a chance to fire tears that slow enemies.
Adds a chance to spawn a random locust when killing an enemy.
Adds a chance to automatically create Red Key rooms after clearing a room.
Picking up coins teleports Isaac to a random room.
Treasure Rooms are replaced with unique Red Treasure Rooms, offering a Deal with the Devil in place of an item.
When Isaac enters a new room, has a chance to give him a Dice item as a consumable for the current room.
Spawns two friendly Dips upon clearing a room.
Using an active item triggers another random active item effect.
Causes all spikes to retract, making them harmless. Also affects the doors to Curse Rooms.
Improves the fire rate of Isaac's familiars.
Spawns a familiar that copies Isaac's movements and scales with damage and tears. If it takes damage, it will die and respawn on the next floor.
Causes familiars to orbit Isaac.
Increases the size of Isaac's farts.
Replaces all new chests, except Mega Chests, with Locked Chests.
Grants an empty bone heart upon entering a new floor.
A Treasure Room and Shop appears in the Cathedral Cathedral.
Adds a chance to petrify enemies when entering the room. Killing the petrified enemy freezes it.
Adds the chance to fire teeth that deal 3.2x damage, similar to 15►Tough Love Tough Love.
Devil Deals cost money instead of health.
While held, counts towards the Guppy transformation.
Spawns a clot familiar that mimics Isaac's movements and tears. It dies for the current room after taking too much damage.
Spawns a Grab Bag upon traveling to the next floor.
Grants the effect of a random passive Item each room.
Grants the effects of a random Mom item each room.
Grants one heart container.
When entering a new floor, up to four uncollected pickups from the previous floor spawn in the starting room.
Replaces keys and coins that spawn in Chapter 4 and beyond with more useful pickups.
Increases the chance of earning a Devil Room by 10%.
Active items don't charge when clearing rooms. Adds a chance to spawn a Lil' Battery when clearing a room, independent of the room's original drop.
Activates Isaac's active item upon taking damage.
+10 Luck. If Isaac takes damage, the trinket is destroyed and its effect is removed.
After clearing a room, adds a chance to spawn a friendly Bony.
Instead of trailing behind Isaac, familiars are directly controlled by the same inputs as Isaac's.
Spawns one extra bomb for each bomb placed for free.
Bombs placed by Isaac explode more quickly.
Grants an invulnerability shield for 1 second after killing an enemy.
Unlocks the passageway to ??? ??? and the Hush fight, regardless of the run duration. Using 15►Pandora's Box Pandora's Box grants it a special effect, consuming the key.
Isaac explodes upon taking damage.
Luck-based tear effects have a higher chance of occurring.
Increases the chance for Planetariums to spawn, adds a chance for a second Planetarium to spawn, and allows Planetariums to spawn in Chapter 4.
Spawns a chest after clearing a mob Challenge Room, or an item after clearing a boss Challenge Room.
Adds a chance to duplicate one of Isaac's familiars when entering a new room.
Adds a chance to shoot an 15►Ipecac Ipecac + 15►My Reflection My Reflection tear.
Upon taking damage, Isaac drops all of his Pickups.
A Treasure Room and Shop appears in Sheol Sheol.
Can be used to pay for a Devil deal without losing hearts, and is then consumed.

Major Arcana Cards

0 - The Fool
I - The Magician
II - The High Priestess
III - The Empress
IV - The Emperor
V - The Hierophant
VI - The Lovers
VII - The Chariot
VIII - Justice
IX - The Hermit
X - Wheel of Fortune
XI - Strength
XII - The Hanged Man
XIII - Death
XIV - Temperance
XV - The Devil
XVI - The Tower
XVII - The Stars
XVIII - The Moon
XIX - The Sun
XX - Judgement
XXI - The World
Teleports Isaac back to the starting room of a floor.
Grants homing tears and Added in Repentance +3 range for the current room (same effect as 15►Telepathy for Dummies Telepathy for Dummies).
Mom's dismembered leg is called down to deal 300 damage to anything it stomps. It will always stomp on the enemy with the most health. If used in an empty room or during the fight with Mom, it will stomp Isaac instead.
Triggers the 15►Whore of Babylon Whore of Babylon effect (+1.5 damage, +0.3 speed) for the current room, but without the need for Isaac to have a red heart or less of health.
Teleports Isaac into the Boss Room of a floor.
Spawns 2 Soul Hearts.
Spawns 2 Red Hearts. If used in a Black Heart or Eternal Heart-containing Super Secret Room, it will spawn those types of hearts instead.
Grants the temporary invulnerability effect of 15►My Little Unicorn My Little Unicorn.
Spawns one of each consumable drop (a Red Heart, a Key, a Bomb, and a Penny). Hearts have a chance to spawn as either a Half Red Heart or a Double Heart.
Teleports Isaac to the Shop. If there is no Shop, this will act as a random teleport. If the Shop has not yet been accessed, this card will unlock the door without requiring a key (as long as the player exits through the main entrance).
Spawns an Arcade machine (Slot Machine or Fortune Telling Machine).
Grants the effect of 15►Magic Mushroom Magic Mushroom (increases all of Isaac's stats except tears), but adds one (temporary) Red Heart container for the current room as opposed to a permanent one.
Removes Isaac's body, allowing him to fly around for the duration of the room (same effect as 15►Transcendence Transcendence).
Deals 40 damage to all enemies in the room (same effect as 15►The Necronomicon The Necronomicon).
Grants Isaac a temporary +2 increase to damage for the current room (same effect as 15►The Book of Belial The Book of Belial).
Spawns 6 Troll Bombs randomly around the room (same effect as the 15►Anarchist Cookbook Anarchist Cookbook).
Teleports Isaac to the Treasure Room. If there is no Treasure Room, this will act as a random teleport. Randomly chooses a Treasure Room on Curse of the Labyrinth. If the Treasure Room has not yet been accessed, this card will unlock the door without requiring a key (as long as the player exits through the main entrance). Added in RepentanceCan also teleport you to the Planetarium
Teleports the player to the Secret Room. This card will open one random wall once inside the Secret Room, so you can leave even if you don't have any bombs available.
Restores Isaac's full health, deals 100 damage to all enemies in the room, and reveals the map for the current floor, except the Super Secret Room. Added in Repentance Removes Curse of Darkness for the current floor.
Spawns a Beggar.
Reveals the entire floor, except for the Super Secret Room. Has no effect if under the effect of Curse of the Lost or Amnesia.

Reversed Major Arcana Cards

0 - The Fool?
I - The Magician?
II - The High Priestess?
III - The Empress?
IV - The Emperor?
V - The Hierophant?
VI - The Lovers?
VII - The Chariot?
VIII - Justice?
IX - The Hermit?
X - Wheel of Fortune?
XI - Strength?
XII - The Hanged Man?
XIII - Death?
XIV - Temperance?
XV - The Devil?
XVI - The Tower?
XVII - The Stars?
XVIII - The Moon?
XIX - The Sun?
XX - Judgement?
XXI - The World?
Drops all hearts and pickups on the floor, leaving Isaac at half a heart. Pickups may be spawned as items such as 15►A Quarter A Quarter and 15►Boom! Boom!.
Grants a repelling blue aura for one minute, like 15►The Soul The Soul but stronger and with a wider area of effect.
Mom's leg starts stomping down repeatedly for one minute, like holding 15►Broken Shovel Broken Shovel.
Grants 2 temporary red heart containers and +1.35 tears for one minute, along with Magdalene's hairstyle. Does not stack.
Teleports Isaac into an extra Boss Room. The boss will drop a reward, but the room has no trapdoor and can be returned to only with another card.
Spawns 2 Bone Hearts.
Spawns a random item from the current room's item pool. Turns 1 red heart container or 2 soul hearts into a broken heart, potentially fatally.
Isaac becomes an invincible, immobile statue with extreme fire rate for 10 seconds. Sometimes the statue looks like Edith.
Spawns 2 to 4 Golden Chests.
"Sells" items and pickups in the room for their usual shop price, spawning a matching amount of coins. Does not affect grab bags. If there is nothing to sell, spawns a penny.
Invokes a random dice room effect.
All enemies in the room are weakened, becoming slow and take double damage.
Isaac turns visually into Keeper for 30 seconds, with a triple shot, no damage bonus and -0.1 speed. Killed enemies drop random coins.
Invokes a 15►Book of the Dead Book of the Dead effect.
Forces Isaac to eat 5 random pills in quick succession.
Invokes 15►The Bible The Bible and grants a 15►Seraphim Seraphim familiar and flight for 30 seconds.
Spawns 6 clusters of random rocks and other obstacles. The pathways between exits can't be blocked.
Removes Isaac's oldest passive item and spawns 2 random items from the current room's item pool.
Teleports the player to the Ultra Secret Room. The pathway back to the normal rooms will be made of red rooms.
Gain 15►Spirit of the Night Spirit of the Night and +1.5 damage for the current level. Turns Isaac's red hearts into bone hearts, but they revert once the effect ends. Also causes Curse of Darkness that cannot be dispelled.
Spawns a Restock Machine.
Spawns a trap door to a crawl space.

Playing Cards

2 of Clubs
2 of Diamonds
2 of Spades
2 of Hearts
Ace of Clubs
Ace of Diamonds
Ace of Spades
Ace of Hearts
Suicide King
Queen of Hearts
Doubles your bombs. If you have no bombs, gives you 2 instead.
Doubles your coins. If you have no coins, gives you 2 instead.
Doubles your keys. If you have no keys, gives you 2 instead.
Doubles Isaac's current number of Red Hearts. Does not affect Eternal Hearts, Soul Hearts, or Black Hearts. Doesn't add new Red Heart containers, just fills empty ones.
Turns all pickups, chests, and Added in Repentance non-boss enemies in the room into Bombs.
Turns all pickups, chests, and Added in Repentance non-boss enemies in the room into Pennies.
Turns all pickups, chests, and Added in Repentance non-boss enemies in the room into Keys.
Turns all pickups, chests, and Added in Repentance non-boss enemies in the room into random heart pickups.
Teleports you to the Devil Room or Angel Room.
Kills Isaac and spawns lots of pickups, items, and/or chests in the same room.
Spawns 1-16 full red hearts.

Credit Card Back

Credit Card
Converts all items in the Shop or Devil Room into pickups or items on pedestals, allowing them to be picked up for free.

Other Playing Card Backs

Rules Card
? Card
Displays a cryptic statement on the screen, similar to a Fortune Teller. These messages (often) provide hints on bosses, bonus areas, etc.
When used, copies the effect of Isaac's currently held activated collectible.

Card Against Humanity Back

A Card Against Humanity
Covers the entire room with poop. The process is not instant, and the room will not get filled if you leave it before it's done filling.

Chance Card Back

Get out of Jail Free Card
Upon use, opens all doors in the current room (including the golden door at The Chest / Dark Room), similar to Dad's Key.

Holy Card Back

Holy Card
Grants the 15►Holy Mantle Holy Mantle effect.

Uno Card Back

Wild Card
When used, copies the effect of the most recently used pill, card, rune, soul stone or activated item.

Left Pointing Runes

Rune of Hagalaz
Rune of Jera
Rune of Ehwaz
Rune of Dagaz
Destroys all breakable objects in the room. Does not affect Key Blocks. Added in Repentance Does affect Key Blocks
Clones all pickups and chests in a room (including Shop pickups; the clones can then be picked up for free). Cloned chests will contain exactly the same type of items: if the original contains a pickup, so will the clone; the same is true for collectibles. Cannot clone other Jera runes and trinkets.
Creates a trapdoor leading to the next floor. Has an estimated 1/12 (8%) chance to spawn a door to a Crawl Space instead.
Removes any curses from the current floor and grants a Soul Heart. (This will not remove Curse of the Labyrinth.)

Right Pointing Runes

Rune of Ansuz
Rune of Perthro
Rune of Berkano
Rune of Algiz
Blank Rune
Reveals the whole map, including the Secret Room and the Super Secret Room.
Rerolls all pedestal items in the room. (This is the same effect as The D6.)
Summons 3 friendly Blue Flies and 3 friendly Blue Spiders.
Removed in RepentanceGrants a shield which lasts for 30 seconds. Added in RepentanceGrants a shield which lasts for 20 seconds.
Grants a random rune effect Removed in Repentance(excluding the Black Rune). Has a 25% chance to spawn another Blank Rune upon use. Added in Repentance Now has a chance to activate Black Rune upon use.

Other Runes

Black Rune
Rune Shard
Deals 40 damage to all enemies in the room. Consumes all pickups in the room and turns them into Blue Flies and Spiders. Consumes all pedestal items in the room and turns them into random stat upgrades. No effect on shop items.
Activates a random, weak rune effect: Algiz grants a 3 second shield, Ansuz reveals the map up to 3 rooms away, Berkano gives 1 blue fly and spider, Dagaz gives half a soul heart, Ehwaz makes a trapdoor, Hagalaz destroys some rocks, Jera duplicates one pickup and Perthro rerolls one item.

Soul Stones

Soul of Isaac
Soul of Magdalene
Soul of Cain
Soul of Judas
Soul of ???
Soul of Eve
Soul of Samson
Soul of Azazel
Soul of Lazarus
Soul of Eden
Soul of the Lost
Soul of Lilith
Soul of the Keeper
Soul of Apollyon
Soul of the Forgotten
Soul of Bethany
Soul of Jacob and Esau
Rerolls the items in the room like 15►The D6 The D6, but they cycle back to their original form after one second, repeating. If more uses are stacked, all the rerolls are cycled through.
Surrounds Isaac with a bubbling red aura for the current room. All enemies killed drop red half hearts that disappear in 2 seconds.
Creates a red room like 15►Red Key Red Key, for every possible exit.
Invokes 15►Dark Arts Dark Arts, turning Isaac into a phantom that can pass through enemies to paralyze them. After a few seconds, he will attack them all, gaining damage bonuses for each target.
Causes 8 poison farts that leave lingering brown creep, then plants a trail of 7 15►Butt Bombs Butt Bombs in quick succession. Standing on the creep gives +1.35 tears and +1 damage.
14 15►Dead Bird Dead Bird familiars fly in and attack enemies. They leave after all victims are dead or Isaac leaves the room.
Isaac turns into a berserk Tainted Samson for 10 seconds, gaining +0.4 speed, some tears and +3 flat damage along with his melee attack.
Activates 15►Mega Blast Mega Blast for 7.5 seconds.
Isaac dies, and is immediately revived at half a heart remaining in the same room, with some invincibility time. The soul stone is automatically used upon taking fatal damage, as well, functioning as a minimal extra life.
Uses 15►The D6 The D6 and 15►D20 D20. The rerolled items use random pools, like 15►Chaos Chaos was active.
Isaac "dies" and turns into The Lost for the current room, with all The Lost's benefits and weaknesses. He returns to normal upon leaving the room.
Adds one random familiar item permanently.
Spawns ~3-25 random coins.
Spawns 15 random locusts.
Spawns The Forgotten as a temporary secondary character, controlled at the same time as Isaac. He dies if his two bone hearts run out, with no further consequence, and disappears when Isaac leaves the room.
Spawns 6 15►Book of Virtues Book of Virtues wisps with random properties.
Spawns Esau as a temporary secondary character, controlled at the same time as Isaac. He dies if his health runs out, with no further consequence, and disappears when Isaac leaves the room.


Dice Shard
Emergency Contact
Cracked Key
Upon use, activates the effects of The D6 and the D20 at the same time.
When used, will cause two Mom's Hands to come down and grab two random enemies.
Creates a room adjacent to a viable wall, like Added in Repentance15►Red Key Red Key.